Digging a Little Deeper by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Wing ding dippy doo dah ha ha ha... I ejected the cat from the bedroom cuz it was trying to steal my seat! I am a cruel landlord!


24 Jan. 2023


"Computer Bug Totem" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

computer bug totem.png

[Felt pen on notebook page plus digital drawing, digital color, and layers.] The bugs combine to form a totem creature capable of prognostication and political baffoonery. We can learn so much from such intense frivolity! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

P.S. - I want the POSITIVE VIBRATIONS simulated by this piece to reach MANY hands (or wallets); therefore, I'm releasing this work as a multi-edition, #CHEAPTHRILLS sale item! 23 editions will slip into THIS reality for only 0.13 tezos each! Amazing! So don't lose hope!



"Totally Hello Dude" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

totally hello dude.jpg

[Felt pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] I guess that's how I was feeling on Dec. 17th... Or WAS I??? What if I'm an unreliable notebooker? Plus, we just don't know if I draw well enough to convey actual feelings... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Flirty Chicken" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

flirty chicken.png

[Ballpoint pen on paper with digital embellishment and color.] This chicken is WORKIN' IT! (Try not to fall prey to her wicked wiles!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)




[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 38

It occurs to me that some folks might not like that I'm making a new typed.art entry every single day. (I'm not sure WHO doesn't like it, but it's possible.) What is even MORE likely is that nobody cares whether I make a new post every day or not. Realistically, my place in the universe is quite small, and therefore, I feel very little pressure to perform. At the same time, I have the FREEDOM to be a s weird as I want, since there are no expectations to fulfill! (That word never looks correctly spelled to me. I am a terrible speller, by the way...)

In unrelated thought, my older daughter is having a major surgery tomorrow... I'm freaked out by this because I'm phobic about medical stuff. (If you've read any of my other blogs or books or whatever, you probably already know this.) Terror is my middle name...

[I'm going to PAUSE for a moment. You wouldn't have known that I was taking a break if I hadn't bothered to TELL YOU, but that's my choice, I suppose.....]

Back... Here's a pointless aside: Shows designed for children are often terrible. There are a few good ones out there, but the majority are not worth they electricity to have on in the background. There has to be a better way to entertain kids. (Where are the programs, like The Muppet Show, that are smart enough to entertain an adult audience AND the kids???) I'm not trying to suggest that I'm going to start writing kids shows, but I spend a lot of time around my three-year-old granddaughter, and I'm really not fond of many of her favorite shows.

Okay, I'm getting grouchy again. Better call it a night! Thanks for stopping by!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



25 Jan. 2023


"Where is the Window?" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

where is the window.png

[Crayon and felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Abstract experimentation with texture and mood. (Rothko built a church... I'm going for a web gallery, instead...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Folded Fellow" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

folded fellow.jpg

[Felt pen and crayon on reclaimed cardboard (a dissected food container) with digital color tweaking.] Surviving! We is! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Chimera" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Felt pen and crayon on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] The creature was a patchwork of various species thrown together by cruel and uncareful hands, and it seemed as though it was being followed by a floating skull with fangs... You see the strangest things in this neighborhood after sundown! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 39

Haunting is a lovely thing. It's a person whose story is more important than physiology.

One thing that I've always wondered about things like astral projection and out of body experiences is what the MECHANISM is by which the consciousness can "see" or "hear" without a physical eye (the effects of light entering the eye and interpreted by the brain cause "vision") or an ear (the movement of hairs and the elements of the ear drum by air molecules causes "sound") to cause the appropriate phenomena. There is one thing that can cause sight and sound int he brain without external, physical stimuli, and that's IMAGINATION (or, hallucinations in the case of brain malfunction.)

I'm not saying that astral projection or OBE don't exist (not EXACTLY what I mean), but I want to know HOW... I love freaky brain shit, but I've taken enough psychology (and read TONS of books on psychology, consciousness, personality, and extra-sensory perception - I'm from a folklore / anthro background, don'tcha know!), and I'm genuinely interested in being suprised and even shocked by extraordinary events and evidence. Unfortunately, for me to BELIEVE anything bizarre, I'm going to have to persuaded. (Likely, I would have to experience something myself, WITHOUT going completely insane... [Completely... It would be a short drive, for sure...] Until then, I'll keep reading the books and watching the videos and listening to the podcasts and enjoying the stories of folks who I know...)

Still going with the old "forced writing project!" Today is 13 x 3 day! Hooray!!! Probably be more coming tomorrow! (I'm pretty sure...)


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



26 Jan. 2023


"It's Tough to Be a Weirdo..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

its tough to be a weirdo.png

[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard over layers of digitally processed and moshed images, plus digital embellishments and color freaking.] True true true true true confessions! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

P.S. - Weirdo Propaganda Poster!



[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 40

Were you getting worried that I wasn't going to get to tonight's post? (I forgot about typing because my wife got me an iTunes card, and I spent several hours listening through a bunch of music to make sure I get good stuff. I don't use streaming services because I want to OWN the music I listen to, and I want the artists who MAKE the music to get a bigger cut. Streaming services pay the artists who made the tunes almost NOTHING...)

Ooooops... Let me step down off my soapbox.... There...better...

I tried to post some new artwork to my Objkt gallery today, but technical issues made it impossible. I will try again tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow (or writing about it) I've finally decided to relent and let Mariah cut my beard off. I don't know why I started growing it (or not cutting it), but it's become a very viking-like face decoration. Now we gonna cut it off... I'll let you know if I have any Samson-esque loss of strength or creativity.

Maybe this isn't that exciting. However, it's about ME. I'm paying to have this thing stuck in that blockchain, and I'm the one hurting my wrists by typing with this laptop laying at this weird angle... SO... Yeah. That's enough for this post! (Is this a post??? I'm treating this like a BLOG that I have to pay to upload to... Is that something normal folks would do?)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



27 Jan. 2023


"Anarchy Clown" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

anarchy clown.jpg

[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color removal.] Am I funny to you? Do I make you laugh? Is that what you're trying to say to me? Huh?? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Flying Eye" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

flying eye (jan. 2023).png

[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] I used to see these things everywhere, but lately they've been scarce... Global warming??? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Step by Sullen Step..." by RFY (Holy Fool) & FEH (Toddler Terror)

step by sullen step.png

[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] With just a few marks, Felicity (my granddaughter) takes what would otherwise be a strange but stiff cartoon and give it drama and pathos. I don't know how she does it!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)



"Ultra-Processed Web" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

ultra-processed web.gif

[Photograph of a paused t.v. show, cropped, manipulated, and then moshed to get this odd, low-effort, semi-glitcher.] The web isn't growing or shrinking - our perspective is changing... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Don't Ask - Do Tell" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

dont ask do tell.png

[Digital drawing created on my phone.] Fuzzy creature, but its life is its own. Why not let folks just do their thing... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"The Simple Plan (For Enlightenment)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

the simple plan (for enlightenment).png

[Digital drawing created in a no-longer-supported, free app on my phone, plus layers and stuff...] If math is the language of the Universe, then I would assume that ENLIGHTENMENT would be (primarily) a geometry problem. I believe, if I follow this plan, I should find what I'm looking for.... Right? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Kid Collage (B & W)" by Felicity Echo Hanson & Richard F. Yates

kid collage (b & w).jpg

[Mixed media collage, photographed, and run through the mosh-n-nator!] Felicity created the physical piece here by herself. She has a crazy amount of energy and that translates to her art. I photographed the piece and ran it through a bunch of digital filters to come up with a number of interesting (to me), semi-abstract, digital works. ---Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror) & Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Scuzzy Tea" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

scuzzy tea.png

[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] Here's the thing... Valentine's Day is coming, and although this piece doesn't APPEARE to be romantic, it absolutely is!!! I mean, come on!! This is poetry! N-Joi! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Phantom (With a Cigar)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

phantom (with a cigar).jpg

[Gel pen, crayon, and pastel pencil on reclaimed cardboard with minor digital embellishments.] This image is NOT an endorsement of smoking in any way, shape, or form. In fact, this phantom died as a result of smoking during its life, and must now have a cigar sticking out of its face for all eternity (or however long it takes to recycle the Universe.) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 41

Friday night, and to enjoy the PARTY, Mariah and I are watching ghost shows... We chill...

I did finally get a chance to post a bunch of new art, and I'm proud of how bad some of it is! (Not all of it is terrible, but the good stuff is!) Maybe I can keep it up tomorrow. That would be nifty! (Not NFT, cuz I don't really care much for that term. Seems to focus on the CONTRACT, but I'm more about "CRYPTOART," cuz of the ART... Let that FREAK FLAG FLY!

TWO PSYCHICS in one show! AMAZING! Maybe I'm a psychic. I haven't "felt" any presences or experienced premonitions or spoken with gods... But just because I've never had a psychic experience doesn't mean I NEVER WILL... I'm pretty sure all it takes is once! (And I'm only 50! No time to start like the present!)

I spent all my iTunes card money yesterday... Got a nice hall! (Stuff by The Fall, ESG, a Depeche Mode remix, Meat Beat Manifesto, Gary Numan, The Damned, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, M83, Cosmo & Dibs, Kite, Essential Logic, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Visage, The Juan MacLean, The Scarlet Opera, and Mudcrutch! [Yes, THAT Mudcrutch!]) I still need to load them on my electro-music playing device so that I can connect it (via electronic waves) to my speaker-tube thing... So BOOM! Done! (If you want to compare tunes sometime, let me know. We can find a way to trade songs!!!)

Night... Mariah has Saturday and Sunday off, still, before she gotta go back to work. She's been off since Wednesday, when our daughter, Frankie, had her surgery. She (Frank) is in some pain today, but seems to be on the mend. She has several weeks off of work to try to heal up!

My head hurts, personally, but I'm typing with some TERRIBLE posture. I think I'm going to cut it for tonight. I need to set up a better work-space for writing (and other computer work...) I'll think on it!

Thanks for stopping by! LATER!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



"Make Stuff" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

make stuff (jan 23).png

[Digital drawings plus digital words...] I think these words speak for themselves (in written form, at least...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



ENOUGH! Just try to find more entertaining artz and wordz (and send me the link!) I dare you!!!


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, about astral and out of body experiences and that stuff (and weird stuff in general, which I know you love!) ... have you ever read Carlos Castaneda?
Because the people he writes about seem to know exactly how that all works. I'm completely hooked by those books right now, reading the seventh one at the moment and feeling my magical image of the world getting stronger. I've never been bound by reason too much anyway :-) Big recommendation!


I have only read SEPERATE REALITY by Castaneda, but I enjoyed it! I should probably read a few more!!!

I'm reading them one by one at the moment, in the order he's written them. It's the whole story of his apprenticeship, kind of chronologically. I find a lot of weird stuff in there that I don't get (yet) and also a lot of truth :) It's definitely worth it!

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