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RE: How I spend my days (drawing, painting and getting older)

in Alien Art Hive24 days ago (edited)

Greetings @paolobeneforti

Such was the contemplativeness of your post....that bleujay gave some serious thought to the situation at hand. You are very talented, skilled, dedicated in your work as evidenced by your posts and artwork. After seeing the artworks number 2 and number 6...which reminded Bleujay of the book ..'The Pilgrim's Progress' was at one time one of the best-selling books in the world after the Bible of course.

I mentioned this book to Silvia after she posted the man with a house on his back illustration. And now discarded books are being used for her work as well...interesting...which brought to mind that perhaps ...somewhere in the world..some one is reprinting 'The Pilgrim's Progress' by John Bunyan with its fifty-eight illustrations.

enclosure....photographs of bookface, sketches, etc.







Some thoughts sent your Regards to Silvia,


In the rereading of this comment...I should add that it is probable that this book is being republished..with new versions, perhaps even a modern version and could use your artistic skill in illustrating well as other books. Also Pilgrims Progress was put to film some years ago where Liam Nelson played the main character....I think one of his first.

Wishing you and Silvia a lovely week's end. Caio!