Famous People


Late post, almost didn't make it in by the end of my day! No edits again today, well, not cosplay ones anyway. These are just a few pictures I got of a couple of slightly famous people we met this last weekend.


These two guys are Larry Bagsby and Jason Marsden of "Hocus Pocus" fame. And that's my girlfriend with them.


We kinda stalked them a bit at their tables and invited them to the after-party (they were probably going anyway). They are actually super down to Earth guys despite being known for more than just "Hocus Pocus". I say "slightly famous" because they are able to walk around in public without a whole bunch of notice, and even at the con it wasn't a ridiculous line (if any line) to meet them.


Tha profile of the shorter dude is Jason.


This blue face is Larry.

I had a bit of fun playing with these. Almost as much fun as I had at the after-party.


Here are some of the unedited pics:






And last but not least, a much more famous but still just as down to Earth person, Mindy Sterling (aka Frau Farbissina) from Austin Powers! She was awesome the whole con, every time I walked by her table and said hello she was always quick to smile and return the greeting. And on the last day at the last hour she was willing to take a few pics with me, even goofy ones (I paid for it of course, along with an autographed photo). Mindy is awesome!



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Oh wow . Its the Frau. Shes quite hot for a mature lady. 😍😍😍

Yeah, she's also got a great personality to go with it. Truly the whole package!