Evil Santa 🎅 My Character Drawing

I decided not to leave my "Wrong Krampus" alone, adding this Evil Santa to him. Down with this blush old man with a sweet smile and welcome gifts! This night this dubious character will come to you and you will certainly recognize him by the smell of strong tobacco.

My Character Drawing


Work process:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


Thank you for your attention and Happy New Year! ✨


Ah :)) ... The bad man :)))

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Ohh how beautiful, I love the art style. I liked the theme of making an evil santa hahaha. The details are amazing, and the colors you used look great. It looked great, best regards!

Looks really cool and ey detailled, The pipe is a great touch

Amazing, looks sooo good!!

Daa, dela seryoznye.