Cute fright

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

26).Cute fright.png

Cute fright SOUL

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I wanted to share this post with you and I hope it can be appreciated as I do. I am preparing a Slime project and I started with this one, the idea is to create 6 CUTE FRIGHT, and present several Cryptocurrencies with the slime theme. I'm going to prepare it as fast as possible for you to witness a nice scare.
Como están amigos alienigenas? queria compartirles este poste y espero pueda ser apreciado como lo hago yo. Estoy preparando un proyecto de Slime y comencé con este, la idea es crear 6 CUTE FRIGHT, y presentar varias Cryptomonedas con el tema de baba. Voy a prepararlo lo mas rápido posible para que sean testigos de un lindo susto.








I say goodbye to you thankful for your support in my publications, they are a great help. Follow me on my social networks to see more of my work, take care!
Me despidos de ustedes agradecido por su apoyo en mis publicaciones, son una gran ayuda. Siganme en mis redes sociales para ver mas de mi trabajo, Cuídense mucho!





Que adorable...😍 Me encantó el resultado.

!discovery 28

Gracias, es bueno saber que te gusto!!

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In doing your slime theme... you should do Slimer from Ghostbusters and you should do something that goes back to the Green Slime from Nickelodeon from back in the day. 'You Can't Do That On Television' and 'Double-Dare' were two shows that made getting 'Slimed' a super popular concept. Just some suggestions.

Hey yeah, I think it's great, I'll take it into account for the next one.
I didn't remember those programs, we don't see that anymore....
there are a lot of junk programs!

Oh my goodness this is So cute, I love it.

Thank you very much! I am very happy to know....

¡Hi! Muy hermoso realmente, super adorable, colorido y llamativo. Excelente trabajo.
Gracias por usar la etiqueta de Creative Coin y por compartir tu post con la comunidad. Saludos.


¡Maravilloso momento para crear!

Esta publicación ha recibido el apoyo de The Creative Coin Fund, voto directo de @gislandpoetic como curadora desde el servidor de Discord. ¡Te invitamos a seguir creando y compartiendo contenido de calidad!

Wonderful time to create!

This post has received support from The Creative Coin Fund, direct vote from @gislandpoetic as a curator from the Discord server. We invite you to continue creating and sharing quality content!


Gracias @gislandpoetic Siempre uso la etiqueta creative coin, ustedes me han apoyado mucho... un abrazo

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I am more than thankful for your support, it is very helpful!!!