New art: soulgazing as a sketchbook

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago

Hello aliens!

I've been slowly dipping back into making some art as my rubbish wrist is feeling a bit better :p


This new artwork is called soulgazers

It's made from a combination of AI images with some layering and various glitching effects, it can be scary to look into someone's soul as you can see depicted here...


I also made it the cover of a little sketchbook which I think turned out cool! You can get one here:



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Loving that shape and their eyes!!
I hope ur wrist heal soon, take care Julia ♥️🍀

 5 months ago  

TY! It's healing slowly :)

Saludos @juliakponsford, demasiado interesante, me encanta tu creatividad.

 5 months ago  

Thank you francisco!

Impressive!!! I love the subtle colours, the shapes of the hands and the places where there are eyes, I love works with eyes!!! It's great!😍

 5 months ago  

Eyes are my favorite subject matter 👀

It has many meanings, but seeing beyond what is normally seen, I love it.

I agree with you about the eyes, I love how she manages to highlight them in her published artwork.

I love it too and the eyes mean so much!

I really love the abstraction of this work, the colors are really striking and I see many shapes. It's fantastic, I love it!

 5 months ago  

There's definitely a lot to see, like finding shapes in the clouds :D

This one is giving the vibes for this season. One would expect soul gazing to be meditative and calm but Aren't we all crazy and on the wild side?😂 Sorry to hear about your wrist. That can be frustrating when you've got ideas you want to work on. I hope it helps soon💜

 5 months ago  

It's doing better for sure but after working a bit I feel it aching so I need to be aware and stop when that happens!

I love the combination of those colors
They really look good and beautiful
Nice one!

 5 months ago  

Tks razfat!

Just tried to vote -83% on this "artwork" but it looks the voting system is jinxed. It does not accept downvotes in ur case. Wouldnt be intriguing if some posts were upvoted by some fake accounts with lots of voting power so they earn thanks to fraudulent/artificial votes on posts not many people would vote on otherwise. I guess its possible to create algorithm to make your or someone else's art be actually considered good quality when actually ugly to trots and evil. Just saying .

From me : -83%
Not lovin it, like other art experts.

 5 months ago (edited) 

Don't think it's possible to block a downvote, you are free to dislike though, art is subjective!

Updating my comment after looking at your account, looks like you are probably Ackza as you have only reblogged his posts 😃 I thought you hated downvoting, weird...

Screen Shot 2024-01-29 at 1.15.24 PM.png

Agree, u? dont think. Everythings possible. U may think one day. Ackza has his own karma to go through after what he attempted. I dont post in Hive because of leaches of ur kind with third mouth on their forehead and second on the other side already. If I was @ackza , I would not bother with tipping you or sending you nfts or other gifts as a bribe for ur evil support. he is naive thinking u can achieve sth with ur influence in ritualistic shit. it probably looks better than ur art attempts. could it be worse? everythin is possible.