Yule Time

in Alien Art Hive7 months ago


We finally got snow here in southern Sweden and Christmas is fast approaching.


I like snow a lot! Everything becomes cleaner, even the mind.
So this artwork fits well considering the weather.


I love the change of seasons. Winter allows us to take a step back and reflect on the year that has passed.



The Sámi have more than 200 words for SNOW!



As we say here in Sweden!
What is hidden in the snow comes out in the dew...



I myself become much more creative during the winter.


Yesterday I actually started a new painting. I've had a bit of a lull, as far as painting is concerned, a bit out of my mind. I've been a bit unlucky because I have or had a sore shoulder. But I feel a little better now!




This canvas is an impossible oblong size, which I bought cheap. They were so cheap I bought two of them.



If you remember, I have a board I call "Idea"! Just come on over and check it out on my blog.


This was painted with acrylic on an oblong pre-stretched canvas.



That's all for now folks.

Swedish Translation

Äntligen har vi fått snö här i södra Sverige och julen närmar sig med stormsteg.

Jag gillar snö mycket! Allt blir renare, även sinnet.
Så det här konstverket passar bra med tanke på vädret. Jag älskar årstidernas växlingar. Vintern gör att vi kan ta ett steg tillbaka och reflektera över året som har gått.

Samerna har mer än 200 ord för SNÖ!

Som vi säger här i Sverige!
Det som är gömt i snön kommer ut i daggen...

Själv blir jag mycket mer kreativ under vintern.

Igår började jag faktiskt med en ny målning. Jag har haft lite lugn, när det gäller målning, lite ur mig. Jag har haft lite otur eftersom jag har eller haft ont i axeln. Men jag mår lite bättre nu!

Denna duk är en omöjlig avlång storlek, som jag köpte billigt. De var så billiga att jag köpte två av dem. Om du kommer ihåg har jag en tavla som jag kallar "Idé"! Kom bara in och kolla in det på min blogg.

Denna målades med akryl på en avlång försträckt duk.

Det var allt för nu gott folk.


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LEO Power Up Day - December 15, 2023

@mandragora88 When I look at your work, I see so much. For example Aztec Art with "the stone of the sun" All your representations which constitute your works of art the colors the shapes. It may also be a sky map with representations of the constellations. Used as a map so as not to get lost. I hope your shoulder remains in good working order. In order to give us new work to admire.


You know?
Every time I paint, I put something on, I can listen to interesting talks. What I'm interested in, for example, is esoteric, which I have great knowledge of, so it often becomes an interpretation of what I insupit. It's easy to get stuck, doing the same pattern all the time.
Thank you very much dear friend!

I always love your work art character. Incredible.

amazing canvas and Swedish art :}