Annabell (Esp/Eng)

in Alien Art Hive10 months ago



Hola amigos, les presento mi nuevo dibujo llamado Annabell que el significado se los contaré a continuación, espero lo pueda disfrutarlo.

Hello friends, I present you my new drawing called Annabell whose meaning I will tell you below, I hope you can enjoy it.

Annabell: Miradas del Pasado / Annabell: Glimpses of the Past

Mi aceptación ante las circunstancias no me ha dejado solamente que observar como las cosas ocurren constantemente. El anochecer ante mis ojos; como algunas personas son destruidas entre ellos incluso por malos entendidos, tristemente me he tenido que apartar mucho de las cosas sin la posibilidad de llegar a querer a conocer a alguien o que alguien me conociese a mi.

My acceptance of the circumstances has left me only to observe how things happen constantly. The dusk before my eyes; how some people are destroyed among themselves even by misunderstandings, sadly I have had to turn away from things without the possibility of getting to know someone or having someone get to know me.

En ningún momento desee estas cosas, solo se fueron formando poco a poco sin yo tener que hacer nada al respecto. Ya es bastante malo que algunas personas se olviden o te desprecien a pesar de haber tenido buenos momentos con esas personas, y más cuando las considerabas "Tus amigos". Todo lo que sucede; no esta en mi mente ni en mi corazón; todo es real; surreal.

At no time did I want these things, they just formed little by little without me having to do anything about it. It's bad enough that some people forget or despise you despite having had good times with those people, and even more so when you considered them "Your friends". Everything that happens; it's not in my mind or in my heart; it's all real; surreal.


La ultima vez que desee tener una compañía, al principio se mostraba muy interesado (a) en querer pasar más tiempo conmigo, pero con el tiempo se estaba demostrando sus verdaderos intereses, y era solamente yo brindarle mi tiempo sin que esa persona me diese aunque fuera un poco del tuyo; atención de su parte. Solamente quiso utilizarme como un recipiente de desahogo sin la posibilidad de yo poder contarle de mis cosas.

The last time I wanted to have a companion, at the beginning he was very interested in wanting to spend more time with me, but as time went by he was showing his true interests, and it was just me giving him my time without that person giving me even a little of yours; attention on his part. He only wanted to use me as an outlet without the possibility of me being able to tell him about my things.

Lo único que me quedaba era seguir adelante; y no darle más de mi tiempo a ese tipo de personas que yo no podía contar su atención. Así que, cada vez que paseaba por la calle, las cosas iban empeorando, hasta ver un maltrato de un hombre hacia una mujer o viceversa ya es común en las calles, y lo triste es que las personas no hacen nada al respecto para tener esas situaciones. Así que, quise apartarme, para siempre.

The only thing I had left was to move on; and not to give more of my time to that kind of people that I could not count on their attention. So, every time I walked down the street, things were getting worse, until seeing a mistreatment from a man to a woman or vice versa is already common in the streets, and the sad thing is that people do nothing about it to have those situations. So, I wanted to get away, forever.


Proceso / Process:






Herramientas de trabajo / Work tools: Laptop, Photoshop, Mouse.

Richjr_art (Twitter)

richjr_art (Instagram)


Some artworks bring out the beauty of drawing.I like the wit with which this particular one was done.


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