¿Qué momentos habrá tenido que pasar para llegar a ser como es?
Preguntas curiosas para una persona sin nada de que pensar.
What crazy things will go through his abstract mind?
What moments will he have had to go through to become the way he is?
Curious questions for a person with nothing to think about.
actuar ante aquellos que no nos observan. Quisiera
comprender; pero estoy más perturbada de lo habitual como
para entender lo que ocurre en estos momentos mi
mente fragmentada ante las circunstancias.
Thousands of forms surround us; they make us think and act before those who do not
act before those who do not observe us. I would like to
I would like to understand; but I am more disturbed than usual to understand what is
to understand what is happening at this moment in my fragmented mind
fragmented mind in the face of the circumstances.
para entrar hacía la oscuridad infinita...
Unfortunately, I'm taking away what I have left
to enter the infinite darkness...
