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RE: Demons to some, angels to others. || Hellraiser FanArt - Pinhead

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

That is so cool re Krita - turned out fabulously! And you like Pinhead because he has the ability to mete out instant Karma lolol why am I not surprised?! 😜Seriously my emoticon selections these days are never what I actually selected - this emoticon board has gone batshit crazy on me. Am I the only one? There is a conspiracy haha... and the black heart... when you gonna change that colour? huh? huh? mhmm... love you! !LUV

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Made with LUV by crrdlx.

It is kind of twisted - He is send from Hell to judge people for their mischievous behaviours and rotten souls:)

I never was emoji person, not really. Only recent started to play around and looking for ones, that resonate with my character 😬🙃 those are my favourites :)

As for the blackness of the heart - black is classy and timeless! 😘

black is classy and timeless!

It's also a lot of other stuff that you shouldn't believe, so... 💖

That's some fancy heart! I will save red, juicy one for private messages:)

😅ok! I like the shift ... love the direction.