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The way I read that, lol, I pictured Canada buried in snow and ice. It depends on where in Canada you are, as to how cold. Northern parts, very cold, yes. Most people live in southern Canada. Vancouver is very moderate in winter, green all year, rains in winter, not cold (one example). Where I live is not that cold, but the way people complain (sometimes myself), you'd think it's life in an iceberg.

The light has changed quite a bit, days getting longer, and March to me, means the worst of winter is over.

Yep all the good things come out in March 😏 (I was born in March LOL)

Ahah yes I sometimes think of Canada like the Winter in Game of Thrones lol as you go out of the gate is Canada 🀣🀣🀣 I want to go one day so I can finally see that it's not like that and there's the green side you're talking about ehehe

GREEN! Hope πŸ’š

πŸ˜‚ March on March!

I think the world has this perception of Canada = COLD.

Proof of Green POG. I've been there and done that walk in winter.

Ahaha yes it does!

Oh very cool, thanks for the video, really cool place!

POG, new chain? lol

You're welcome! Hahaha, POG, blame it on words running in my brain like bees in a hive. πŸ˜‰