The Euphorbia Cristata plant in macro photography.

in MacroPhotography2 years ago


I like plants as a whole and macro photography has helped me to increase my passion for them. This one you can see is the top of the Euphorbia Láctea Cristata, with the formation of small structures that are the spines and inflorescences that are usually present on the surface of the plant.



It is also raining in this part of my region thanks to environmental changes. Many storms have arrived that every two or three weeks bring rain for my plants. The droplets that you can see add to the beauty of this plant.



The beauty of the plant along with the water droplets gives a natural freshness to the Euphorbia. The small structures with their various shades look different up close than when we can observe them with the application of macro photography.



All pictures are taken with my Redmi note 9 phone. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I do.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png


Euphorbia Cristata in micro made me love more as I have seen its small structures my dear friend @gertu . Color green and its somewhat reddish brown thorn-like structures are so perfect. Have a nice day and keep safe.

It is true when they say that we learn to love things more when we have more knowledge about those things. Learning to love more by seeing structures that daily go unnoticed to our eyes and that we do through macro photography is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for stopping by.

I all agree with your wise words my dear friend gertu. I missed your creative writings in readcash. You know, I really love how you put your thoughts into words. See you around my brilliant friend.

Greetings wow, you are also over there at I don't know if you have the same user over there. I haven't posted there for a few days. Now I am in inspiration with my plants and I am renovating my garden. Maybe another time I will be inspired to stop by and leave my thoughts.
Thank you for following me and for your beautiful words.

You are most welcome my very nice friend. I so love your amazing thoughts as always. Big smiles from me!