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RE: Ask me anything [AMA] - Or don't

Yeah, I think we do need to make a differentiation between AI/ML (machine learning) and Generative AI. I think AI/ML can be pretty useful in crunching through impossibly massive datasets to find patterns that humans just cannot do quickly enough.

Generative AI is the AI that steals copyright material and hallucinates - and I just can't help but think it's a passing fad (especially as more and more lawsuits come through).


Yeah for sure, generative AI is really not what I'm interested in. AI/ML is more my speed, I just hope it takes a REALLY long time to get to artificial general intelligence.. that is where we are truly fucked. Technocracy is not my idea of a future I want for anyone!

Yeah, personally I think Artificial General Intelligence is a long way off still. None of the AI we have today is anywhere close to "thinking" as far as I know... it's all just different forms of pattern recognition currently.

Let's hope and pray that it stays that way! LOL I think "be careful what you wish for" is something these fucking idiots are NOT taking into consideration.

One of the things that really struck me, someone mentioned that most of the people doing all of this crazy AI shit in an obsession and stupid ass way are people who are childless, and often single. People who have families, futures to think of largely do NOT buy into this shit, at least not without serious restraint and consideration of how it can affect us in the future to such a massively negative standpoint. It definitely seems true, these people have zero responsibility other than to push this shit forward!

Yeah... I'm not super sure how accurate that is.

Elon is pushing AI pretty hard and he has 7 kids. Satya Nadella the CEO of Microsoft is possibly the second biggest player in the AI space after Sam Altman, and he has 3 kids. Sundar Pichai is pushing the InsightAI at the top of Google searches and he has 2 kids. You might be right when talking about the engineers coding and configuring the LLMs but I honestly have no way of working out if that's right or not.

I think the more accurate scenario is that companies are chasing AI hard because of the winner takes all mentality... so Google and Facebook are rushing to beat OpenAI, etc and so the direction and investment is coming straight from the top whether the engineers with families like it or not. They have families to feed so they're probably not going to quit over it.

True, the leaders at the top have kids but the grunts, the engineers, those are the ones who likely don't at least the ones that are living in the hellscape Silicon Valley. It was a bit of a fun thought to have on a biased moment, and I have no idea about the data behind it but it certainly seems like a foolish direction.

The winner takes all mentality is a problem for sure - and feels like a result of the crony corporate capitalism that we've had over the last 40 years or so where people cheered on the Walmarts of the world destroying many others instead of looking for a diverse landscape. Ah I may just be babbling in that regard.. but indeed at the end of the day so many of us have families to feed, protect and house. How can we get out of the cogs of the wheel?! D:

I don't think you're babbling at all. How many livelihoods have Walmart and Amazon destroyed? Thousands definitely, millions probably. The annoying thing is that taxpayers are subsiding Walmart and Amazon in a few different ways; from the no tax that Amazon pays to the incredibly low wages they both pay that forces their employees to need food stamps to all the businesses that got crushed that no longer exist to tax business taxes.

I don't know how to get out of the cogs of the wheel... the more money these massive companies make, the more they can afford to influence policy... and down and down it spirals until we all just riot or die I guess.

They're no different to the government and in some cases probably pull strings within the government. There's a lot they have to answer for but will they? Unlikely.