Ask me anything [AMA] - Or don't

in Galenkp's Stufflast month


You shall, I question not, find a way to the top if you diligently seek for it; for nature hath placed nothing so high that it is out of the reach of industry and valor.

- Alexander the Great -

The internet is a curious place...people pouring out their lives for strangers to read, sharing their ups and downs, good things and bad, their love and's...well, it's a very strange place.

I don't use social media, (just Hive), and am careful with what I put there.

People can and do interpret the information I share in any way they like but their perception or interpretation may be nowhere near the facts and that's how it should be because my life is private. I communicate with a few people on Hive directly, a select few whom I value a like a lot and those people know a lot more about me, who I am, what I stand for, my personal history and all - There's a certain trust I've placed in them that that information won't go any further and they place that same trust in me with their own information. It's nice and has deepened my experience on Hive.

I get curious about others at times though, however am a little reluctant to publicly ask questions as I don't want to place them in awkward positions but I'm curious nonetheless as I know others are in return. People hide behind their perception of anonymity a lot here on Hive but on other platforms seem ok with blasting all their personal stuff to the world (which is weird to me) but that doesn't stop their own curiosity about others or other people's about I figured I'd put this post out there for those who are curious and feel like asking me a question.

Ask or don't

Ask me anything you like in the comments below, no topics are out of bounds, although (of course) my answers will take into consideration my desire for a degree of privacy and common sense because I'm not an idiot. I'll answer as openly and honestly as I feel comfortable.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


How long can you hold your breath?

Just checked. I went for about three minutes and fifteen seconds. Not the best but not the worst.

That's actually incredible. I've never made it beyond 2 mins.

I'd answer this comment but I just died of asphyxiation.

I think it's a fitness related thing. I just looked it up and the averages are 3-5 minutes depending on how the body uses oxygen. A super fit person will use less I think, due to their conditioning. That's what Google reckons anyway.

I'd answer this comment but I just died of asphyxiation.

Flew too close to the sun.

Yeah, fitness would explain, like, a lot here.

I didn't think I'd last two, let alone three, minutes and I wasn't in a good way when I was won't be holding my breath again anytime soon.

¿ What is more important to you, intelligence or kindness?

¿ Are you really happy or do you expect something more from life?

Great questions.

  1. I assume you mean in myself - Kindness I think, I'm not overly intelligent generally but feel I am kind to those who deserve it, and sometimes even to myself. I think it's a good way to proceed in life. Although, that doesn't mean I don't/won't act appropriately and with decisiveness when the situation dictates. You know what I mean?

  2. I'd say I'm generally happy with life and have worked hard to be that way. I have a nice life. Do I want more? Yeah, I want more of the things that help me get the most out of my life, time, knowledge, understanding and stuff like that. Knowing I will one day be gone helps me seek more from myself and generally, and to be the person who feels gratitude for what I have in the process.

Intelligence is not presumed, it is reflected in each of our actions. A noble person is not only intelligent, but also humble. Because everyone, sooner or later, will need a helping hand.

Intelligence is subjective. One doesn't need to be a professor of mathematics or a rocket scientist to be deemed intelligent for instance.

This is fun!

How did you find sunglasses to fit those huge eyes? What do you think Australia will look like in 2050?

Good question.

I don't think it'll be a good place to be and that it'll resemble some of the other once vibrant and progressive countries that have declined.

Basic services like infrastructure, power, gas, water and so on are already in decline (with increasing costs for all), the medical system is broken with no hint of it improving, the education system seems more intent on teaching young children it's ok to be a girl if they're a boy and vice versa, or installing cat litter trays for those who identify as cats, inflation rises, quality declines. The drain on social security services is increasing, entitlement rises, family values and human communication decline, people are becoming lazier...there's economic threats from China and elsewhere whi h will boil over eventually, those in government are more intent on lining their pockets than dealing with real issues...there's loads more...but clearly I don't think conditions in 2050 will be good here or anywhere else.

As for the sunglasses...I called up my buddy Elton John and asked to borrow a set of his from back in the 70's.

I think people forget that maintaining infrastructure is incredibly expensive. I really wish we could get enough people enthusiastic about maintenance to vote in politicians who promise to get everything repaired rather than ridiculous culture war stuff.

Politics "should" be incredibly boring. Arguments and debate should be about which infrastructure projects are higher priority.

I can't believe who I've become, haha.

Yep, and the misappropriation of funds meant for infrastructure (such as happens in South Africa) will bring predictable results.

Politicians and governments are all about themselves, like the rest of society.

They absolutely are. We actually need the most boring, pedantic people who want to do a good job because it's the right thing to do... but those people typically don't win the hearts and minds of voters.

Serving the people is a thing of the past for politicians (generally speaking) they're self-serving and it's glaringly obvious to any who look.

Oh man - 2050. Is it even possible to look that far into the future at this point? Where technology is moving at such a rapid pace in 1-2 year spans? Ugh I don't even know what the hell will happen by 2030 LOL never mind 2050! We could have robots in work most places by 2030, houses by 2035.

I would certainly like to think that Australia would be one of the countries that could weather the storm - they have a rich and diverse landscape with plenty of natural resources to sustain itself. The trouble is that it has to get out of it's own way, as does America and Canada, to have such stupid policies that focus on selling everything inside to someone outside for the bottom dollar. I would love to see more countries becoming independent on a lot of things like farming and energy - exporting things to others they need for raw materials but largely keeping things to sustain their populations!

If we can move away from these extreme progressive policies into something far more centrist, then we all have a chance!

You are bang on the money!

Absolutely massive amounts of the money made from the extraction of resources in Australia goes offshore... Australia is 100% selling itself short in this regard.

Completely agree! I would absolutely love to see Australia become way, way, way, way, way more independent with farming, energy and I'd include infrastructure as well.

I hate that hyper-specialization (ie, only growing one type of crop) is the most profitable enterprise... but I do think the supply chain issues of 2020/2021 helped a lot of countries realise some of the value of doing stuff at home - but it's hard when companies and governments can only look a year or two into the future... makes it really hard to build long-lasting processes over quick wins.

Yeah sadly there’s far too much incentive for quick win profits over long term strategies in the current climate. Unless your long term strategy is ESG and DEI nonsense lol.

The trouble is that it has to get out of it's own way, as does America and Canada, to have such stupid policies that focus on selling everything inside to someone outside for the bottom dollar

Yep...and other countries too, the UK and European countries included.

If we can move away from these extreme progressive policies

Yep, the operative word there being 'if' and I think it's not possible, not in our lifetimes anyway and not until after a momentous decline which I, and so many others, feel is on the way.

How do you feel about Hive in general at the moment, are we getting better and stronger?

I thought someone might ask this.

To be quite frank about it, I miss some of the old people, either gone or posting far less, their banter and friendship, common interests and ability that we had to relate to each other about thing relevant to the 'worlds' we live in. These days there's so many I don't relate to, not because they're different per se, just that they live in a different 'world' than that in which I live in.

It's a different place to the one I joined back in June 2017 and a lesser place in many respects in my opinion. I guess that's why I alluded to the fact I have a few I interact with off the blockchain and that they're so important to me.

I'm not sure if you'll read between the lines here, I guess there's much I'm not saying. How about you, your thoughts on it?

I thought you may throw the question back at me. Definitely some have dropped off over time, and once in awhile you encounter a return or two. It does feel deep down that we are on solid ground, and the chain as a whole is strong from a technical developer standpoint (just my observation as a non techie type). We have the Inleo team doing their thing, Ecency building, peakd very solid, Liketu there in the background. Hbd savings at 20% is a very attractive draw looking in from the outside. Speaknetwork and theycallmedan /starkerz pushing hard, great but it is still in its beginning stages or so it seems. They are also pushing hbd adoption with retailers which is awesome. V4V app is the bomb, allowing lightning transactions. Also VSC smartcontract stuff looks promising. Vibes music contest seems solid. Holozing started off with a bang, and now seems to be simmering somewhere in the background. On-boarding has always been a struggle, although it is getting easier. A mish mash of good/great things, and one or two mediocre things. All in all, my gut tells me to stay put. We may never get to the top 100 in market cap cryptos, but probably we will carve out our own niche, in our own way.

I just wrote a comment to someone (in this post) who asked how I'm able to post daily - None of those things you mention come into play for me, I'm probably far less tech-related than you (in respect of Hive not the real world) and what I said mattered was how Hive makes me feel, the personal enjoyment I get and other things.

I don't need Hive money, I have a job, own a business and have made a lot of very good decisions over my life, (bad ones too), so it's not the magic internet money that makes me stay. All those things you mention, I know of them and applaud them, we need things to progress, I'm just not keyed on them as I guess I just don't have the time.

I'd miss being on Hive if I stopped, and certainly miss many of those who have disappeared or now only post about one thing (gaming, mushrooms, AI images) which means I stop following them. It used to feel more well-rounded, more personality and passion, seems...well, less so. Still, I'd miss posting here and the interaction with some of those I engage with should it all come to a stop.

I get that. This AMA really brings out the comments and interaction like nothing else! You were saying to hiddenblade that you email yourself ideas when they come along, I usually text myself ideas or just write it on a “to do” list with pen and paper.

It sure does.

On the email thing...Ir's easier for me to email, a digital record I can cut and paste if needs be, but writing it in a notepad works as well I guess - it's easier for me not to have to write though and a lot of those emails are voice dictated while I drive. Saves time.

Hive is a place I have been able to pour myself out, to some extent, because it's a place I have come to love. But I still hold back a little as I only expose as little or as much as I want to. On other social platforms, I only post my pieces of poetry not even a tiny bit of myself.
Now to question time; I would like to know if you have ever been married or ever had children? 😊

I have been married however we were not blessed with children. I wanted one but it wasn't to be unfortunately, I don't really want to go into why as it is something that's quite hurtful to think on - (not having a child to pass on my skills and knowledge to.)

Thanks for your question, I appreciate it.

This could be a difficult longing to bear but have you ever explored other ways of fulfilling that desire like adoption or fostering. It's not late, no not at all yeah.

I'm trying to adopt a billionaire so that there's someone to look after me when I'm old...the process is ongoing.

Hahaha.... I like your sense of humour, and very clever at evading questions... I wish you luck in your quest... 😄

As I said, it's not something I'm inclined to talk about much. I gave you an honest answer and was disinclined to elaborate much more. I knew you'd understand.


Old fashioned shitey red kilt or new black kilt?

I haha been to a wedding in one of em...

Well bro, I've been kilted before but went with neither red tartan or black...Mine was a tactical kilt, so was camouflage!

It was a shooting event, a long range shooting thing over a couple days and me and the team (it was a team shoot) decided to wear tactical kilts as a joke. Was all good until we had to go prone to shoot and then...asses!

Well, we wore boxers underneath so no bare asses, but the effect was similar. It was a hoot man, and while the team came in fourth place out of 27 shooting teams we won best dressed - a category they made up just so we could win it!

I don't think I'd look as good in a kilt as your good self, your Scotlandishness means you'd kilt-up much better than an Aussie like me. But...I can wear the fuck out of a wide brim hat with corks dangling off it! 🤪

Lastly, don't you know you're not supposed to outshine the bride when you go to weddings! You and your kilt would have made her look like a hobo wearing lace!

Hahaha, camouflage!! That would be fecking awesome. I would be having one of them! You win the AMA!

Most Scottish folk wear boxers under their kilts. Its too chafe'y and draughty otherwise and there is so much scope to expose your nethers by accident :OD

It wouldn't be hard to outshine some of the munter brides at the weddings I have been at, LOL!

It was epic indeed...many a Calvin Kline boxer-shorted ass was revealed!

Haha, best dressed winners. Top notch!

When I come to Scotland for the first time I'm wearing a kilt off the plane, I mean the full get up. I want to blend in with the locals. 🤔

I read into these comments and found the answer to my "Q"

Kilted Boxers. Not Briefs...

Hehe, will you would certainly attract attention!! If the positive kind of course!

Do you have any general financial advice you can share that worked for you, are doing now, or plan to do in the future? Don't worry, I'll still do my own research.


  1. Have a budget on Excel of outgoings that auto-sums all your expenses (including savings listed as an expense) so you know where you're at at a glance and what remains from your income.
  2. Look at the above four times a year and adjust as needed.
  3. Have a need over want ethos (buy when you need to and make things last longer)
  4. Have a savings plan and stick to it.
  5. Avoid credit at all costs where possible, even if it means going without something.
  6. Find interests that make your heart sing but don't cost a lot of money.
  7. release ego and hubris and the need to impress others with things (it's a slippery slope).
  8. Invest but research carefully and diversify rather than putting everything into one stream.
  9. Find the right advisers and influences to surround yourself with.
  10. Always seek ways to cost-cut through purchases and other efficiencies.
  11. Put money away for future expenses you know will come.
  12. Reward yourself for hitting goals in appropriate ways (simple ways that make your heart sing - they'll motivate you more.

That's not an exhaustive list but are some of the things I've done throughout my life.

Wow, I really appreciate the detailed answer. Thank you for this, and I'll look on how I can incorporate it to what I am already doing.

All of what I say on that list is achievable for people to a greater or lesser degree I think. I have done, and still do, those things and while I'd not call myself a rich person I have a nice life. Hard work pays off and when it doesn't that's the moment to work harder.

Hard work pays off and when it doesn't that's the moment to work harder.

I really like this line. I think I've seen/heard similar sentiments before. Something along the lines of, if it isn't working, then one isn't working hard enough. I do agree that hard work pays off. People just usually stop before they can see the fruits of their labor.

Hard work needs to be accompanied by other things because working hard in the wrong directions is wasteful. But, if the right things are being done enough of the time a person has a great chance to find growth, gain and development and those things have a way of compounding.

Point 1 and 2, spot on! I started this years ago and it's so helpful. Especially with the good lady who unfortunately is not quite the best with cash!

Sometimes it's the simple things that are the most effective if done consistently.

I can't believe it's been 13 minutes and no one has asked anything... 😁

What's the coolest thing you do in 13 minutes?


In thirteen minutes I can make a coffee, eat a donut and write a Hive post...might not be a good one, but it'll be something. Is that cool? Not sure, but at least I'll get coffee and a donut!

I like what you do in 13 minutes. 😅
I hope to one day visit you in your caravan so you can invite me for that coffee and that donut.

Good plan, I'll stock up on donuts.

What's your weapon of choice for the apocalypse?

Great question.

I'm a long range shooter, or at least that's where my main interest lies, so I'd say a long range rifle, probably in the 300 Winmag calibre. Of course, a rifle like that isn't much good as a defensive weapon so a .556 semi/full auto rifle would be required, an M4...and a handgun, probably a Sig P226 in 9mm and a knife, one must always have a knife...and an axe, like a Viking one and...

Ok, that's more than one weapon I guess. 😁

Knife and axe are standard, I guess. Interesting options, really. I guess we should then define apocalypse -- would there be easy to find bullets?

We've recently experienced a small scale apocalypse in my state with a huge flood that affected everything, including public services (police). Well... Brazilian law forbids most firearms unless filling hundreds of paperwork, so you may guess that safety in poor neighborhoods went south; we did see a bunch of ppl using shotguns, 9mm pistols, and revolvers to defend the property. In that case, a 9mm would work well here.

Your question was generic so I didn't put any consideration to ammunition, but axes split skulls and make meat-sacks (humans) open up and bleed so no worries there.

Yeah, figure that later. It's pretty hard to define apocalypse or to create a possible collapse of our functioning society. Great idea for a post

What do you think we could do, if this whole AI thing goes in the right direction? Meaning what do you think would be your best 2 things that would come out of it?

There’s so many examples of the horrific terminator type shit with how it could go horribly wrong but I’m curious about where you think it could go right.

After yours, I’ll let you know what mine are!

I don't think AI will lead us anywhere good, see the response I gave @aussieninja in the comments of this post. Society is spinning out of control and people's insistence that AI is here to save the day is helping it along.

The best two things AI should do:

  1. Cease to exist.
  2. See above.

People are always looking for the next best thing, easier ways to do things, reliance on anyone but themselves. There'll be a reckoning and I'll be dead by then but I wish I could be there to say, I fucken told you so.

Hahaha yeah I certainly can agree with you on that dude. I think it's a train heading for a cliff and people keep thinking that it's going to turn a corner or something but it's heading straight for the cliff. It's insane how foolish and headstrong this is.

I glanced at his question and was going to respond but wanted to wait a little bit.

It is annoying that people are always looking for something easier and deferring their abilities or obligations to others. I actually have a post drafted about this specific topic, delegating responsibility to someone else and how it's fucking up our society pretty badly right now.

For me and AI - I think one of the two really interesting things that can come out of it if we can get it fully open source and not managed by a bunch of psychopaths - the ability to bridge the communication between humans and animals. This was something that I just learned about a few days ago in a podcast. There are some groups, not sure which universities yet but I'll be researching for a future post, that are working on bridging the communication gap between species. They are likely starting with ones that we know communicate quite well like dolphins, ravens and some other highly intelligent animals. This is going to be a really crazy aspect of the future - imagine talking to someone's dog and them telling you to fuck off? Or their cat saying feed me asshole? LOL.

Secondly - I think it could massively improve farming if we can, on a similar notion, keep it from fuckers who wish to subjugate and kill us. Being able to have region specific AI models for optimal planting, growth and inputting some values into it to determine best things to do, when to do them and all that will be a huge game changer for people in the world. This completely goes against the malthusian fuckery that is infected the richest people in the world with an obsession of eugenics.

People talk about AI as the best thing ever and yet forget the amazing things that were achieved without it. People are just lazy and see it as a way to do things more easily like all those idiots who go about how awesome their artwork is that AI created for them. Eventually humans will have no creativity at all, who needs it, AI will provide.

Talking to animals...let's teach the monkeys to talk, that way the Planet of the Apes scenario might happen sooner. To be honest, I've got no desire to talk to an animal, I don't see the point, but when the apes take over maybe the skill will come in useful.

I'm not at all enthused about AI, I think that's pretty clear.

Yeah for sure, I agree with you there. I think that's part of the human trajectory as strange as it is, but definitely not in the manner that they are trying to push it in right now. Machines of various forms have been invented and proliferated to reduce our labor cost. Unfortunately a LOT of people have no or minimal work ethic, and a LOT of people absolutely hate their jobs and lives so it's ultimately a sad existence, where many are embracing the devil so-to-speak.

If we could get to a Star Trek type future, traveling on space ships and shit, without the psychopathy that would be interesting in a way but I don't know how we get there on the current trajectory. The current trajectory is slavery and subjugation in the present moment. The crazy part is eventually, if it keeps going in the direction it is, it will be subjugation to the AI not even the humans controlling it anymore which is the scariest aspect.

The generative aspect of it is horse shit to me. Yeah I definitely gave it a whirl for 10 images of something but it lost it's interest for me. I am a humanist in that regard for sure, I prefer it created by a person but not just through a few word prompts.

Work ethic, a good work ethic is something that declines as rapidly as good communication; I do not know why. AI, automation, entitlement? Probably all of those and more.

I'm with you on the AI art thing...I don't like it and don't see myself ever liking it, or applauding someone for 'creating' it.

Yeah, I think we do need to make a differentiation between AI/ML (machine learning) and Generative AI. I think AI/ML can be pretty useful in crunching through impossibly massive datasets to find patterns that humans just cannot do quickly enough.

Generative AI is the AI that steals copyright material and hallucinates - and I just can't help but think it's a passing fad (especially as more and more lawsuits come through).

Yeah for sure, generative AI is really not what I'm interested in. AI/ML is more my speed, I just hope it takes a REALLY long time to get to artificial general intelligence.. that is where we are truly fucked. Technocracy is not my idea of a future I want for anyone!

Yeah, personally I think Artificial General Intelligence is a long way off still. None of the AI we have today is anywhere close to "thinking" as far as I know... it's all just different forms of pattern recognition currently.

Let's hope and pray that it stays that way! LOL I think "be careful what you wish for" is something these fucking idiots are NOT taking into consideration.

One of the things that really struck me, someone mentioned that most of the people doing all of this crazy AI shit in an obsession and stupid ass way are people who are childless, and often single. People who have families, futures to think of largely do NOT buy into this shit, at least not without serious restraint and consideration of how it can affect us in the future to such a massively negative standpoint. It definitely seems true, these people have zero responsibility other than to push this shit forward!

Hi Galen, I have a curiosity not personal, but professional. You often mention the ability to interpret body language and public speaking skills. My curiosity leads me to ask you if you can say something about the type of courses, training you have done and what kind of techniques you use. The answer can be very long, but a general answer is enough for me, without details. Thank you very much

I've done a few courses through specific business support groups (private consultants) and also through the organisations I've worked for both internally and through being sent off for training to private trainers. I've also read some books as well, probably more about communication two of which have stood out to me are How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie) and Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus (John Grey) which is a relationships book but one I've used to enhance communication. Also, some books on body language like The Definitive Book of Body Language (Barbara/Allan Pease) and The Dictionary Of Body Language (Joe Navarro). It may seem odd to cite these books but through better communication and understanding body language (others and my own) it's helped my professional career, public speaking, leadership and other things.

These books, together with the face to face training has helped me so much. Also, I've seen and met people (seen them speak) like Zig Ziglar and Niik Stewart to name only two, who I learned from through observation and 'osmosis'.

As for the techniques I use...See the books and training above, although observation is very important. I seem able to see tings about people that give me valuable information that I then use to gain an advantage, build rapport and relationships and value. I listen too, that's super important. Listen to HEAR not listen to RESPOND. Most do the latter and then respond to things they haven't listened to and understood completely. Truly seeing and listening is so important to communication and to moving things forward to better results, whether professional or with the ladies in the bar, you know? Most people are bad listeners.

Then, talking...we have two ears and one mouth and we should use them in that proportion. People talk to much, people like to talk about themselves too. The best way to build rapport is to talk less, ask more questions and be completely interested (genuinely) in the answers. It works with the ladies, at a date, with family, spouse and colleagues, and it works when in professional meetings and public speaking.

Smiling helps too, it's disarming and goes a long way towards making people feel at ease. A genuine smile I mean...but it has to be used at the right time, not when briefing a bunch of operators about to board a helicopter to assault a Taliban stronghold. You know?

Anyway, I'm sorry...a long answer, but it's a big (massive) question so I felt I had to give you a little more.

I thank you very much for the answer, I knew it could be long. Some authors and books I knew, others I didn't, of the latter I take note. The fact that most of the information is self-taught tells me a lot about you, and good. I agree on the importance of body language and above all how important it is to know how to listen.
Thank you very much for the effort, I am very grateful.

Thanks for your kind words of support, I appreciate it.

You know how much I appreciate the treatment you always give me, and the response is part of that good treatment, so in this case the thanks is mutual. Have a great week.

How do you manage to find topics to post about everyday? Do you have a list or do these ideas just come spontaneously and you just write about it immediately?

Good question.

I have a pretty active mind that rarely shuts off so it (mostly) is quite easy to come up with topics. I draw on my life, what's going on around me and what I'm doing, a lot too although I don't necessarily pitch the posts that way. The other thing I do is email myself when an idea pops into my head be it a good post title I can build on or a topic. Sometimes I do a few dot points as well. I have an email folder full of such ideas.

Sometimes I write immediately and sometimes on something I have in that email folder I mentioned earlier.

So, the ideas are thought up and spontaneous I guess and some planning goes into it however I don't generally write posts and let them sit as scheduled posts, I post manually.

How do you approach it yourself?

Think it's the first time I heard someone would email themselves for ideas. 😂 Others would write it in their notepads or leave it as drafts on Peakd. I can't do that myself cos my email is full of spams and subscription updates that I don't even know I subscribed myself to. Good that it's working for you tho!

Right now, I have a content creation notebook specifically for that. I have a page where I write all post ideas/titles and what to do. My posts are mostly with photography so I can't just write immediately although sometimes I am impulsive and just do the shots, editing, and writing in one day. :D The calendar with "scheduled" posts works for me too although a lot of times it isn't followed haha. The list helps me to know what else to post about cos I often forget. :D

I email myself a lot, personally and in my business life, a lot of voice messages too as I can't always stop to write.

I tend not to use the 'scheduled post' thing as I'm mindful of scheduling something that might then (when it posts) not be relevant. I know people who use it a lot though.

I know that you hunt kangaroos(and potentially other animals). I understand that it is needed so population would not became too big. But do you feel any regret when you pull the trigger?

I always feel regret when I kill anything, always have; a piece of me dies with the thing I've killed and I don't like killing. I never trust people who come to like killing and distance myself from those who do - They're dangerous and repugnant.

I hope that answers your question, feel free to follow up if you'd like.

Do you have any advice how I could grow my Hive stake faster?At the moment I can't afford to buy more Hive so I would have to grow by blogging.

Hmm, good question.

I built mine by posting and commenting (with relevance and validity) and building relationships. I also traded some now and then (not for ages) and put it back in and powered up which is why I have stake now.

I guess all I'd say is to diversify, do something different maybe.

You do posts about your art, mention it in most of your comments, and seem always to rely on a Youtube video (which I literally never look at) on most of your posts as well. Maybe look into doing something different: The format and content of your posts maybe. Go outside and take a photo of something and post about it, go to the museum, art gallery, library, shopping mall, public park, the river, beach, lake, city, mountains, zoo, train station...anywhere. There's post content out there waiting for you to find it.

I know your art is important to you (rightly so) but I think you've got much more to add only you don't add it. Take some risks, find creativity in thought and word and show people that.

You may be surprised how people respond.

I don't know the secret formula. I got here and wrote about so many different things, tried to show personality, passion and effort and worked on building relationships...I'm not a huge account but those things paid dividends for me and I think they can for you too.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome, happy to help...although I'm certainly no expert on the matter.

Do you believe the Australian government really represents the needs and interests of anyone in Australia outside of government and its corporate cronies? How has the modern government respected Aboriginal autonomy and tradition, and what must improve first?

Firstly no, the government works for itself no matter what party is in power; they feather their nests and hide it with the odd pat on the head for the population that wait for the crumbs to fall hoping to collect one or two. The population is conditioned, brainwashed and controlled (and most seem happy to be in that state) and I don't hold a lot of hope moving forward.

On the other matter. The government offer billions of dollars in 'funding' for the indigenous population spent in various ways and handed over directly. They do it in an attempt to 'make up' for perceived wrongs done two hundred years ago and some as recently as 60-80 years ago. The problem is they neglect other Australians so the term 'equality' seems a rather hollow thing. They say they're working towards reconciliation however the way they're going about it is divisive, such as the recent referendum that failed miserably for many reasons and which many indigenous people campaigned and voted against.) They drive the problems deeper beneath the surface and gloss over them with some fancy commercials and clever marketing dialogues...but it's festering beneath.

I'm all for equality but dead against singling out anyone for special treatment including the indigenous population, immigrants (I'm the son of an immigrant father), refugees, people born here like me...I think we can safely use the word equality when everyone is treated the same.

I don't know the answers, all I know is what most people outside of Australia (and many within) know about the issue is propaganda and nothing more. There's a real story and like most real stories it's skewed, fabricated and twisted to suit an agenda.

If you have to migrate to another country to live for rest of your life, where would it be and why?

I think it would be New Zealand, the South Island, it's stunning there, and only 25% of the whole country's population live there so it's not crowded. I really love it there.

Ah that's nice! I have only been to the North Island before.

South is way better, in my opinion. (It depends what one likes I guess.)

I took my time.... read everything down to the comments. I've been reading your posts for more than a year... so, although I don't know the details, I can sense several things.

I think intimacy and privacy is one of the most important things in this world and even more so in today's world. I left the sign for you the other day, hidden.

But there is a question that will not be very direct but it intrigues me since I met you.

Considering the world's biggest agenda today, what exactly do you think will happen in 5 years time?

Do you think that the money we manage today will really work? Do you think there are punctures that destroy?

Five's a relatively short period of time but the answer would be the same if you said ten, fifteen or more...A decline: Society in general, in manners, ethics and courtesy, in work-ethic, health and medical, hospital and school systems, in standard of living, quality of goods and services and more.

An increase strife, intra-country conflicts and externally...the increase in militarisation and other such things.

It's begun already, an (honest) look around will demonstrate that clearly.

On the money aspect...well, hyper-inflation will eat up anything we have.

Yes, it has already started, I see it clearly all around me, and it will all happen very soon! Let's be ready.
Thank you!

This is fun, direct from incredible, galen. Hmnn, I have been reading from your posts before that you are fun of Lego, guns, etc. Among these pieces of stuff, what is your most favorite, and why?

My favourite hobby is travelling, both overseas and domestically, the latter of which usually means camping. Why? Because experiences are what I seek in life, it's those that bring me the most enjoyment and that which I think of most fondly.

That’s good to hear. You have mentioned you love traveling both domestically and overseas. I wonder about it so let me ask you a follow up question.

What is your dream destination that you have never been to before and what would you like to do when you go there?

I've been to my dream destination (France and Italy) many times and enjoyed every moment as I will future moments.

Having said that, my dream destination is pretty much wherever I happen to be going next be it New Zealand, UK or Ireland, Europe, Scandinavia...or a remote part of Australia...I make every place I go memorable. Life is too short not to.

Same here, New Zealand is also my favorite destination. And I also love to travel to France and Italy. Thank you for your time and attention.

I love New Zealand, so close to Australia and absolutely stunning. I think you'll like France and Italy...Austria is nice too.

As I followed you and check your post, I realized that you've been posting everyday that I feel guilty of not doing my part too as being the member of this platform. It seems that I have no right to get tired of posting cause even you holding the higher rank posted everyday.
My question is: What motivates you to post everyday in Hive?
Thank you for answering. 😊

I use Hive as an outlet of sorts, relaxation, and posting gives me a gap between the real-word complexities of life and my incredibly serious and difficult job.

Sitting down to write a post, taking a picture or two for a post when I'm out somewhere, answering comments, supporting the community and some of the people in it and some other things makes me feel good mostly, provides some distance from other aspects of life and to me that seems worth doing.

Ah, thank you for sharing. True. The platform reveals the other side of myself too. 😁

I totally understand what you mean about being cautious online. It's awesome that you found a close-knit group on Hive who you trust.I'm curious about a lot of things too, but I get what you mean about not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable.


Boxers or Briefs..? LOL

Commando sometimes bro.

Hello Galenkp!
Unbelievable the amount of questions you get asked, no doubt you are a person who knows how to capture the attention of others in a very interesting way, you are indeed interesting!
It's not about an attention grabbing image, it's about a mind that has the ability to deal with all kinds of public, keeping the same composure with which they ask you questions and in a way that is always very respectful.

I have read almost all the thread of your interlocutors, hahaha and there are not many questions left that I would have liked to ask you, even the tips are there, and that's very good, I will be able to reread them more slowly later...maybe there are a couple of things we disagree with, but that's also normal, we are from different worlds.

Just one question: are you right or left handed?

Thanks for your kind words; I'm not sure why (or if) people find me interesting to be honest. in real life maybe so, but on Hive I don't know why. I appreciate the engagement though and value it so feel each person deserves my attention in return.

Just one question: are you right or left handed?

I'm right hand dominant although there's things I am able to do with my left, like shooting...I practice it...It one is shot in the arm and has to swap the firearm over to the other it's best to know how to do it.

I'm happy to answer your questions, on this post or any, so don't feel you can't ask.

Yes, you are definitely a person with a zest for life, starting from the fact that you take great care of your commitments along with the things that truly bring well-being to you and your loved ones.

I am sure that if you have been able to create skills with both hands you can also use it for other more specific purposes?
No, I don't think so, he is passionate about weapons.
I think I prefer fishing with a rod in a river, or mollusks in the sand, or would that be too boring? 😅

The word would be to be in harmony with our mantra, as Buddhist monks would say.

Thank you for your patience , questions will come along the way, or maybe I won't ask many.

Were you ever in the military?

I go fishing from time to timez and the right equipment and al, but I'm not very good at it. I have learned because one day I may need to rely on catching fish to survive and I'm good enough st it to do so (generally) but it's not something I'm passionate about.

Well.... you answered my question when you said you weren't an idiot !


That was all I really wanted to know.

Some people are more private than others, even in my family, some folks hold stuff so close to the vest, they miss out on help they could have gotten if those that loved them knew of their dilemma. Still it is their right, but sometimes it's not even a dilemma what others think is private. I'm thinking "what the hell is so private about that??? " ha ha.... but I guess therein lies the differences, what some folks think should be private, others think it's just part of life and is no big deal.

I do have a thing or two in my life that I would never tell as long as I'm in my right mind, but the vast majority of stuff, I'm an open book.

I think maintaining privacy is a good thing to do, especially in a world where cybersecurity is so easily circumvented. I think some people take it to extremes and delude themselves they actually have privacy, but others go too far the other way.

I guess I was thinking more in real life.

I think I am middle of the road. I don't think technically anyone should assume anything is totally private on the net, so if you wouldn't tell it on an public interview, you shouldn't share it "net private" either. I could give away many things I don't think I am, but I do try not to put out anything that could come back and bite me. I don't know whether I do a good job of it or not.

I was kidding about the idiot thing ya know.

Oh yeah, it's just as important, sometimes even more, in real life! I think it's just smart to be cautious all round.

Hello there, It's my 1st comment on HIVE after 3 years almost forgot things how to work.
So, what I really wanted to ask is that how to keep yourself motived to keep going on this platform.
Really eager to learn again

I enjoy writing, it's a break from my every day life, work and such things, so it's easy to write here. I've always made it about the enjoyment factor not potential revenue, and I think that makes it easier to be consistent.

That's some advice I would always carry with me on this journey. Thank you

No worries, you're welcome.

Nothing personal, Are you mean or rigid outside of Hive?

Mean or rigid? A strange question.

I am not mean at all, vindictive, abusive or such things. But, when the situation requires it I can and will act decisively.

An example: If someone invaded my home and harmed my partner I would do everything in my power to utterly destroy that individual and would feel no remorse in doing so. Some may call that mean, I call it taking a stand, protecting a loved one and dealing justice.

How about you, are you vindictive and abusive or stubborn and insensitive?

A bit stubborn but sensitive to a degree.

Mean or rigid? A strange question.

Yeah it is because I contemplated how you’d react seeing that question.

Anyways I asked that question because I noticed people are kinda scared of you on Hive, and a part of me concluded maybe you are an entirely different person outside of Hive, hence the question.

I get curious about others at times though, however am a little reluctant to publicly ask questions as I don't want to place them in awkward positions but I'm curious nonetheless as I know others are in return.

Ok, I'll bite the bait. Here's my question:

Why you blocked/muted me in so many hive communities where you are an Admin or Moderator?

Is mine a too difficult, complicated, strenuous, challenging, or compromising question to answer or what?

Wow bro It's great how you're open to any question, no matter how random. It's sometimes very fun way to connect with others and share different perspectives. Keep up the engaging conversations Number 1 G

Sure is.

In times of tension, friends are more likely to be at work or family members?

I don't understand the question.

We have seen in life that when a man is faced with a difficult situation, all the people leave his side, so what do you think families support or friends support in difficult situations?

I believe that people earn the support they receive rather than it being given due to friendship or family relationships. If a person is the right person to receive help then it will come, if not then they probably don't deserve it.

Yeah I totally agree with you.

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Hello @galenkp

I noticed I was downvoted, on all my posts in the past 7 days, I am just curious to know what I did wrong, to avoid such from happening.


There once lived a man who didn't know how to fish. He asked for help from the other men in the town and no one would do so, they told him to find out how to fish for himself. He was hurt by this response but rowed out on the water to try and learn to fish in the hope of bringing some fish home to feed his wife and their three children so they wouldn't starve to death. He caught nothing but he persisted day after day.

One day he caught a fish and when he pulled it in from the water and looked at it he realised, with some shock, that the fish looked almost exactly like him - it was like looking in the mirror. Because he felt an affinity with the fish that resembled him so closely he carefully took the hook from its mouth and gently put it back in the water watching it swim away into the depths.

He went home to tell his wife about the fish he'd caught and how he'd let it go because it looked just like him and she said...

Stay tuned for the next episode of The man who couldn't fish.
