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RE: Still climbing

The situation is really complicated, things have been going up for a long time, food, goods, services and so on.

Of course I am still in better conditions than in Argentina, there they are seriously complicated, the situation is intolerable. Latin American countries are suffering terrible inflation.

To give you a fact and equating the dollar to the euro (it is an assumption) when I arrived in Spain 1 euro was equivalent to 40 Argentinean pesos, today after almost 5 years, 1 euro is equivalent to 460 Argentinean pesos.

Being here, an example is the electricity, it was going up a lot... what did I do? change company, one that offers me a fixed rate.
As for food, I look at prices in various supermarkets.
Internet and telephone, I chose a local company which is cheaper and works very well. That allows me to more or less continue with the same lifestyle.

I'm not afraid of the crisis, I was born in it and lived 40 years like this, but as you say ... it's not fair for anyone.

How do I see this in 2 years? A difficult situation, whoever makes investments will probably make a profit.
I study a lot the economic and political background.... poor people are wanted for many reasons... maybe control. It will depend on all of us. It is a subject to talk about for a long time and for a long time.

I agree with everything you say, there are not exactly good times ahead.

Thank you Galenkp!


It's a race to the bottom though right?

Prices are up so people make adjustments, cheaper internet, cheaper/inferior products, less spent on personal health care, people drop insurances...but there's only so much of that people can do. When that bottoms out, but prices and costs still rise? Where does a person go to then, what do they do? You know what I mean?

There will be shortages, food, water and so on. Businesses will fail, corporations and governments and then...Anarchy. I know this sounds depressing but I just can't see that enough will change to prevent it. I live in a first world country that is slowly failing...yes, far better than some I could mention, the third world countries, but it's on a steady decline, those who say otherwise are delusional.

Bad times ahead.

That's right, although many don't want to believe it, the decline is coming... if this continues, anarchy and conflict will follow.

Everyone is making adjustments, some more, some less, but that is the reality.

We will see what happens... the future looks dark. As positive as I am, I cannot deny the undeniable.