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RE: Quick coffee comment - Win some stuff for your comment

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago

I lived for a year in Iasi, Romania.

There I found the pleasure of drinking coffee at the café and this café, called Coffee Story, remained the maximum possible for us. Every morning breakfast and coffee for almost a year and I was never disappointed!


Oh, yes!! The beautiful coffee! I want to go back there!!!

Me too!

Ill be waiting!! :))

That looks like a wonderful place to have morning coffee with the Mrs. I like the look of that croissant too. Fond memories seem to follow coffee around don't they? 😁

Well said! I have many fond memories following coffee, you're right. Thank you!

I'd just about kill for a croissant right now...and when I say just about, I mean I actually would.

You'll be able to have croissants again soon, but I totally know what you mean. I'm so sorry 😕

If they made croissants out of air I'd be gtg.

Maybe you should kill me! I had so many photos to choose from, now I guess I didn't pick the right one.

Lol...Well I'd never do such a thing just for a croissant...Or would I? 😀

Surely not...

Definitely, probably maybe not.

Sounds bloody awesome to me!

Thank you! I testify that this is so.


Fifty Ecency points have been sent and I've voted this comment.

I want to have breakfast with you. Looks bloody splendid!

Thank you for this prize, but the big prize is this...

I want to have breakfast with you.

I can consider that today we had breakfast (by Hive) together, regardless of the time difference... and everything else.

Thank you!

I'd need some water on the table though.

At the café I mentioned they always bring a bottle of water with the coffee.
In Bucharest or Bulgaria, I have not seen this. Only in Greece they have this habit of bringing water with coffee. I really liked that!

They do this in Australian cafes too, or if it's not brought to the table it's available at the counter; jugs and glasses or glasses with a filter tap there.

Probably a habit where the climate is warmer.

Yep, I'd say so too.