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RE: Quick coffee comment - Win some stuff for your comment

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago

coffee in cup.jpg

On this morning, my coffee and I were sitting together enjoying the company and the scenery. In fact, the company was also the scenery. It happens often, and I do enjoy it, and it seems to goes better with a wonderful cup of coffee. I was sailing the Atlantic with the ship heading towards peace on earth. You know what I mean, right? Far from the maddening crowd, although that was meant more to be funny than serious. It is a glorious day and I am taking the slow ship to paradise.


I've only ever been on one cruise and that was only for a few days although the location was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. They had amazing coffee on the (small) boat and we'd sit on the top deck early in the morning and watch the sunrise while sipping some of the tastiest coffee ever. It is a lovely memory. I understand your comment above, it makes sense.

Becca 🌷

That sounds perfect. The mornings on deck are glorious, each one more special than the last. The soft breeze coming off the water, the sound of waves hitting the ship, the salt in the air... everything about these moments pull me towards this feeling.

Then about that coffee and the man that serves it to me.

Yes, please.

Spoken like someone who knows exactly what it's all about.

Life's good, is it not?

Becca 🌷

Hello, Becca! I hope your week has been amazing!

Hi Denise, it's been quite pleasent so far and it's almost the weekend so getting better each hour. I'm looking forward to a slow weekend, the garden, cuddling on the couch and more than one hot bubble bath. It sounds perfectly enjoyable to me.

Have a nice Friday.

Becca 🌷

Better get your's raining Ecency points...(Only 50 of them, so let's just call it a slight drizzle.)

The company of scenery...yep, you know what's up!

I was sailing the Atlantic

I was going to go on a ship called the Titanic once, lost my ticket though...I was bummed, it would have been awesome.

You know what I mean, right? Far from the maddening crowd

I know Swiggles, I know exactly.

Woo hoo!!! What do you mean only 50?? That is the most I have ever received! :) Thank you! Drizzle...Pfft... You are too generous.

Re: Titanic. I hear they went down! Obviously couldn't bear the trip without you. Feel better?

Hehe... I knew you'd know. :)

Haha, yeah the buggers on the Titanic were like, no g-dog? Ok, we're sinking this bitch!

You're welcome for the points...I wanted to try this little concept out, see who and how many got involved. I may do it again with a different topic.

No g-dog? Ha! You left them no choice!

Score!!! You know I did it for the points right?'s all about the points.

I appreciate you getting involved you know. 😄

Seriously... You can't have all the fun.

It's actually been fun too, giving out all those points and some chunky comment votes. Thanks to a couple others who pitched in with the votes too. I think it'll go close to being 1000 Ecency points handed out. Not too bad.

That doesn't sound half bad at all Denise. Coffee makes a good companion right? I wouldn't mind sailing far from the maddening crowd, although I don't really like open water so doubt it would happen lol

I said that wrong, but, the companion was the scenery, and often is. I was born and raised on the water, so I guess I never liked or disliked it. It just was. :)

Hello, Emma! How is it blowing today?

I'd drink water with you any day...But if it's hot and infused with Earl Grey tea and there's scones involved...well, it goes without saying.

I hope you've had a great week nutbag, be strange, but don't be a stranger.

Well, you know I had a good week, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh! You had me at scones!

Nobody is stranger than me. :)

Hi, Galen!

Lol...I'll be strange with you, seems more interesting than some of the alternatives.

Your cruise looked amazing. If they had decent coffee which it looks like then even better!