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RE: Ask me anything [AMA] - Or don't

in Galenkp's Stufflast month

I have been married however we were not blessed with children. I wanted one but it wasn't to be unfortunately, I don't really want to go into why as it is something that's quite hurtful to think on - (not having a child to pass on my skills and knowledge to.)

Thanks for your question, I appreciate it.


This could be a difficult longing to bear but have you ever explored other ways of fulfilling that desire like adoption or fostering. It's not late, no not at all yeah.

I'm trying to adopt a billionaire so that there's someone to look after me when I'm old...the process is ongoing.

Hahaha.... I like your sense of humour, and very clever at evading questions... I wish you luck in your quest... 😄

As I said, it's not something I'm inclined to talk about much. I gave you an honest answer and was disinclined to elaborate much more. I knew you'd understand.