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RE: Ask me anything [AMA] - Or don't

in Galenkp's Stufflast month (edited)

Good question.

I have a pretty active mind that rarely shuts off so it (mostly) is quite easy to come up with topics. I draw on my life, what's going on around me and what I'm doing, a lot too although I don't necessarily pitch the posts that way. The other thing I do is email myself when an idea pops into my head be it a good post title I can build on or a topic. Sometimes I do a few dot points as well. I have an email folder full of such ideas.

Sometimes I write immediately and sometimes on something I have in that email folder I mentioned earlier.

So, the ideas are thought up and spontaneous I guess and some planning goes into it however I don't generally write posts and let them sit as scheduled posts, I post manually.

How do you approach it yourself?


Think it's the first time I heard someone would email themselves for ideas. 😂 Others would write it in their notepads or leave it as drafts on Peakd. I can't do that myself cos my email is full of spams and subscription updates that I don't even know I subscribed myself to. Good that it's working for you tho!

Right now, I have a content creation notebook specifically for that. I have a page where I write all post ideas/titles and what to do. My posts are mostly with photography so I can't just write immediately although sometimes I am impulsive and just do the shots, editing, and writing in one day. :D The calendar with "scheduled" posts works for me too although a lot of times it isn't followed haha. The list helps me to know what else to post about cos I often forget. :D

I email myself a lot, personally and in my business life, a lot of voice messages too as I can't always stop to write.

I tend not to use the 'scheduled post' thing as I'm mindful of scheduling something that might then (when it posts) not be relevant. I know people who use it a lot though.