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RE: Still climbing

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

Sorry, I missed this comment earlier. No excuses.

I know what you mean. Most here have no clue how bad things are in V and, in fact, no clue how bad things are here (or will get) either.

Almost everything is more costly now than it was a year ago and it's accelerating. The cost of transport is one element (I'll give you points for remembering that post I did) and that will exert pressure on everything else; ultimately, the consumer pays. The government gives handouts as if its made of money and less people want to work because of it.

Just for perspective, an unemployed (single person) gets $670AUD every fortnight (two weeks) from the government for doing nothing. Why would a person work? Of course, the average annual salary in Australia is $90,800 AUD (USD $60,355) so those on unemployment earn far less and live a lot differently, but when compared to what some in Venezuela live on it's a lot.

It's all relative I guess, but either way we look at it, costs are going up and incomes are not keeping up with inflation. I think things will get very bad before (and if) they get any better.