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RE: Quick coffee comment - Win some stuff for your comment

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago


My favorite is black coffee, it has been my companion during an all-nighter work, it helps me stay awake for many hours, other than that I love its bitter taste too, maybe because I'm bitter 😆 joke! It just tastes different compared to the three-in-one coffee that I used to drink before.


Black coffee can be an acquired taste and one I'm getting used to more and more. I used to have milk in every coffee but now I'd say it's about 50/50 and I'm adding less and less milk in those coffees it's added to.

Becca 🌷

Hahaha, my mom says something similar about herself. I've been drinking black coffee a lot more these days and it hits the spot, especially for working late like you do.

it works like a charm for us who wants to stay awake long 😆

I gave up drinking coffee for a week once and was only drinking water. The day I started drinking it again, I couldn't sleep at all and felt like I was high 🤣 You have to love caffeine that way lol.

yes! we love that effect on us 🤣

My mom and dad both drink black, but except for espresso, I have never acquired the taste for black,

I am jealous of anyone who likes it... You never have to worry about running out of milk.

Between you and me Denise, that is the main reason that I drink black coffee when I do 😂 - but then that sometimes stretches for two weeks which is kind of nice, it saves a few bucks. I think you just get used to it after a while.


It just rained Ecency points on you. Lol.

I mostly drink my coffee black too, espresso, americano etcetera, and no sugar.

Received it! Thank you so much!

cheers to loving black coffee ☕️

You're welcome...Just an initiative to get some commenting happening and to give me a chance to distribute some points and votes to a few people who make a little bit of an effort.

and I think it's a great idea, I also shared this to my coffee-lover friends in hive, I just hope they see it before 24 hours pass 😆

We'll see if they do. If not, it's on them I guess.