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RE: Current addiction

Well, I think that we have many addictions in common. And Coffee (and other age-restricted) are much much enjoyable!
Besides, I have acquired the habit of drinking an Americano coffee in the morning, with Cinnamon (for digestive-fire power-up) and Coconut oil (for brain power-up)

And for the rice rolls, I will look for them and let you know. Last night I enjoyed some good Felafel (the vegetarian version of the kebab) at almost midnight, after 1h 45' of meditation with the Spring Equinox, that was much powerful but also energy-consuming.
Not really Vietnamese, but Middle East still 😎


I did the espresso and coconut oil thing in the morning for a long time, it's good stuff; I should get back on it.

I enjoyed some good Felafel (the vegetarian version of the kebab) at almost midnight

Nice one, and a good time to eat it too...Well, anytime is a good time.

I hope you manage to find some Vietnamese cold rolls, they really are worth a try.