
My solution last time was to use old borrowed laptop with Windows (because it's virtually impossible to survive whole event running with goggles without a break).
Another alternative is to rent a Windows VM for two days.
Maybe @roelandp has some better idea.

I thought I saw somebody say that a linux solution was found, but not until after hf5 was over.

Wen, Mexico?

Oh, actually here is how to run AltspaceVR on Linux

Thank you for following up on that.
I'm afraid real life is conspiring against me making it, this year.

I'm afraid that solution was to use remote desktop to rented VM ;-)

Not sure about HiveFest because that's at sole discretion of @roelandp.

But HiveMXtup? Anytime! :-) (well, not exactly, but almost)
@anomadsoul is a huge evangelist for that location.

Back in 2019, I was pretty sure that next HiveFest would come the continent in the left, and if that assumption was correct, the Caribbean sounded like the most attractive part both because of costs, weather, easy to get and so on, but it wasn't meant to be, perhaps next one!

OR as you say, a Mxtup sounds great for this summer or maybe around April when is low season, fewer people, cheap prices, and full sun. I wonder if we could put it on the table and see who would be up for it, without making any kind of official setup, just a bunch of Hivers meeting up as old friends like back then when Elrond was there to witness, 5, 4, 3 and 2 years ago.

Ok, thank you.
I guess I will just have to wait for next year.