Sahara u kuhinji? Zasto da ne! - Sahara in the kitchen? Why not!

in Construction3 years ago (edited)


Dekorativne tehnike sve vise su zastupljene u domacinstva. Svuda, sobe, hodnici, cak i kupatila, pa zasto onda nebi bila i u kuhinji. Malo pripreme, dosta su povoljne, vodoperive, izdrzljive i dugovecne.

Decorative techniques are increasingly present in households. Everywhere, rooms, hallways, even bathrooms, so why not be in the kitchen. A little preparation, they are quite affordable, water washable, durable and long lasting.



Prosle godine u ovo vreme dobio sam telefonski poziv od jedne porodice. Da dodjem i pogledam kuhinji, koju su radili tog leta od strane nekog majstora, ali nisu zadovoljni. Skoro da nikad to neradim, da radim posle nekog, ali na njihovu molbu otisao sam da vidim.

Last year at this time I received a phone call from a family. Let me come and look at the kitchen, which was done that summer by a master, but they are not satisfied. I almost never do that, to work after someone, but at their request I went to see.


Lepljene su tapete, koje su pocele da se odlepljuju, sastavi losi, i zidovi u boji koji se ne dopadaju gazdarici. Zeleli su da urade nesto lepo i dugotrajno ali lose je ispalo. Gazdarica je upitala dali moze posle ovog da se uradi dekorativna tehnika Sahara. Prihvatio sam posao, malo vise vremena do same tehnike ali sam prihvatio posao.

The wallpaper was glued, which started to peel off, the compositions were bad, and the walls were painted in colors that the landlady did not like. They wanted to do something nice and long lasting but it turned out bad. The landlady asked if the decorative technique of the Sahara could be done after this. I accepted the job, a little more time until the technique itself but I accepted the job.



Morao sam prvo da skinem ostale tapete,da osmirglam lepak sto je ostao na zidu, pukotine da ispunim, nanesem podlogu u boji, i na kraju da uradim dekorativnu tehniku Saharu.

I had to take off the other wallpaper first, sand the glue left on the wall, fill in the cracks, apply a colored background, and finally do the Sahara decorative technique.



Posle tri radna dana kuhinja je bila zavrsena, sve sredjeno, oprano, cisto, zadovoljna gazdarica sa svojom novom kuhinjom, i zadovoljan ja sa uradjenim poslom.

After three working days, the kitchen was finished, everything was tidy, washed, clean, the landlady was satisfied with her new kitchen, and I was satisfied with the work done.



Toliko od mene ovaj put, i vidimo se, pozdrav od Ujke.

So much from me this time, and see you, greetings from Uncle.