Sva lepota Sahare - All the beauty of the Sahara

in Construction2 years ago


Doziveti SaharuExperience the Sahara
Dekorativna tehnika Sahara ulepsava i oplemenjuje vas dom. Svu lepotu nemoze da vam docara ni jedna slika ili prica. Jednostavno Saharu morate da dozivite.The decorative technique of the Sahara beautifies and ennobles your home. Not a single picture or story can convey all the beauty. You just have to experience the Sahara.


Moj domMy home
Ovo je prica iz moga doma. Spremajuci se za predstojece novogodisnje praznike resio sam da uredim svoju dnevnu sobu gde ce stojati novogodisnja jelka. Imao sam ideju sta treba uraditi, tako da sam kupio sve sto mi treba. Okreciti plafon i odraditi na dva zida Saharu.This is a story from my home. Preparing for the upcoming New Year's holidays, I decided to decorate my living room where the New Year's tree will stand. I had an idea of ​​what to do, so I bought everything I needed. Turn the ceiling and work on the two walls of the Sahara.



Kao sto sam i ranije pricao za Saharu treba prvo priprema, tako da sam prvo spremio zidove, pa okrecio plafon sa disperzivnom unutrasnjom bojom u belo.As I said before, the Sahara needs preparation first, so I prepared the walls first, then painted the ceiling with dispersive interior paint in white.





IzradaMaking of
Kada se osusila prva ruka podloge u boji za Saharu presao sam i drugi put . Sutra dan krenuo sam sa izradom Sahare.When the first coat of Sahara paint dried, I crossed it a second time. The next day I started making the Sahara.






Bela i kapucinoWhite and cappuccino
BK Sanset je gotova visoko disperzivna vodoperiva boja u pakovanje od 1-3kg. Izradjuje se u BK mix sistemu velikoj paleti boja. Osnova u beloj, srebrnoj i zlatnoj boji. Ja sam odabrao za jedan zid belu boji a drugi zid kapucino. Potrosnja jedno pakovanje od 1kg za zid od 6-8 m2, i podloge 2x1 kg po zidu.BK Sanset is a ready-made highly dispersive water-washable paint in a package of 1-3 kg. It is made in the BK mix system with a wide range of colors. Base in white, silver and gold. I chose white for one wall and cappuccino for the other. Consumption of one package of 1 kg for a wall of 6-8 m2, and substrates 2x1 kg per wall.




Pokreti ruke i cetke su polukruzni prave se osmice, po odradjenog 1-2 m2 ukoso sa praznom i suvom cetkom preci ponovo, pesak tada sara zid, po zavrsetku potrebno je 2-3 sata za susenje na dodir, sutra dan je suvo i moze se uraditi jos jedna ruka ponovo, postupak ponoviti. Efekat zavrsnog sloja je mnogo lepsi, potpuno suvo je posle 21 dana, i tada se pokaze sva lepota.Hand and brush movements are semicircular, eights are made, 1-2 m2 are done obliquely with an empty and dry brush. do another hand again, repeat the procedure. The effect of the final layer is much nicer, it is completely dry after 21 days, and then all the beauty is shown.




Odradio sam i drugi zid u belo. Potrebno je imati ceo komplet alata za obe boje. Cetke, valjke, resetke, kante. Po zavrsetku posla sav alat oprati mlakom vodom, pod oprati obrisati. Ja pokrivam najlonom postavljam kartone i zastitne papirne trake.I also finished the other wall in white. It is necessary to have a complete set of tools for both colors. Brushes, rollers, grates, buckets. At the end of the work, wash all tools with lukewarm water, wipe the floor and wipe. I cover with nylon, put cardboard and protective paper tapes.




Ostalo mi da postavim jelku, okitim je, i uzivam u dnevnoj sobi sa novim zidovima u nogodisnjim praznicima.
All I have to do is set up a Christmas tree, decorate it, and enjoy the living room with new walls for the New Year holidays.






It is a very good technique that you have just shown us. It is definitely one of my favorites, the texturing on the wall.

 2 years ago  

Thanks, you can look at my other posts, and I will publish more, there are a lot of interesting things.


 2 years ago  

Hvala, na usluzi