Have I seen her - The Weekend Freewrite - 1/14/2023

in Freewriterslast year

Dream girl is a kind of imagination you have in your mind when you are getting ready to marry someone or you are in love. The way we look at the world and the people around us based on the that we decide who should be our life partner with whom we will be comfortable to live the rest of our life and we create an image in our mind.


The search for such a person it's quite difficult and result in numerous struggle. however, one who is determined to do so will eventually get there and find her. Of course, it requires lots of patients and determination to keep searching once you find her it's like a eureka moment.

So finally, once you see the person whom you always imagined and with her, you wanted to live your life, you ask a question yourself, have I seen her? the answer is yes you have seen her multiple times in your dream and you always wished to have someone like her in your life.