Jim's Hard Truths - a 5 minute Free Write - prompt "Television Studio"

in Freewriterslast year


Knock knock knock

"Jim, open the door"

Knock knock knock

"JIM!!! Let's just talk this over, open the door!!"

Jim wasn't going to open the door. There was as much chance a herd of wild buffalo would enter stage left and bound across the studio floor in tutus and dance a jig. That would have been preferable for Channel 9.

Jim was technically brilliant, indeed that's how he first got a job with the National broadcaster. There was little Jim couldn't fix, design or troubleshoot. Receivers, Transceivers, Transmitters, Amplifiers, Mixers and everything in between, Jim knew them inside out. After thirty years in the business, there was nobody who knew technology like him.

It was five to six now and people around the country would soon be tuning in for the Six O Clock news. Little did they know that they would actually be receiving a very special off the cuff broadcast from Jim. He had some hard truths that he was looking forward to getting off his chest. They had pushed it too far this time. All of the dirt built up over many years was going to hit the airways. Nobody could stop him.

The suits milled around outside trying to defuse the situation.

"Kill the power" one of them shouted.

Jim smiled inside the locked studio, he had already thought of that and had everything backed up by a diesel generator out the back, which the suits knew nothing about. This was his day. Soon everyone in the country would know exactly what went on behind the scenes at channel 9.

From the Inishowen peninsula to Crookhaven in the South, people sat on front of their televisions. The countdown begun.







"Jim. Jim. JIM...... Are ya coming for a cup of tea? Come on, all is good the news is rolling now"

Jim awoke with a start from his daydream.

"Ya cool, I'll just grab my coat now, 2 seconds"

Five Minute Free Writes

I am back doing these Free writes again, well occasionally anyway!

I must say that I am really enjoying them when I do find the time, as it is always nice to at least try and get a bit creative. I used to do them most days in the early days when I first joined Hive's predecessor.

When I first arrived on Hive or the previous chain, I would often struggle for ideas on what to write about, and there were two writing initiatives that really helped - one was called #fiftywords where you could use only fifty words to tell a story about a prompt word and the other was #freewrite which basically sets a challenge of writing a mini story within 5 minutes. I regularly took part in both, and people like @mariannewest and @felt.buzz and loads of other brilliant people, so every now and then I see a post from @mariannewest and think to myself, go and do a freewrite. I hope to continue to pop in every now and then to say hello.

Maybe you've never heard of the freewrites yourself, and if that is the case, I'd encourage you to have a go, read about todays prompt and how to enter below and above all else mind yourself and have a great day - smile, rub a dog, help a stranger and just be a nice human.


The photo used is not my own and was sourced on https://pixabay.com/photos/architecture-studio-tv-studio-1591708/

Peace out.

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