The Ordeal - a 5 minute Free Write - prompt "go alone"

in Freewriters2 years ago


As he inched closer to the house, he could feel something in the pit of his stomach. He had visualised this day for weeks, for months. He could see her loving eyes in his mind and it was what gave him the strength to persevere. God knows it would have been easier to quit, to succumb. He didn't do that though, he wouldn't. Through long harrowing days and longer nights, he battled and kept his mind strong. His body might be punished daily with this ordeal, but nobody owned his mind except him.

This was where he escaped to even in the depths of physical despair. He could see her cascading flowing locks of dark hair, her soft green eyes and the smile that was etched across her smooth skin. The day had finally come when they would be reunited, but something deep down didn't seem right. There was that feeling. It is unmistakable, the kind you get when you drive over a small hill quickly. He opened the front door and was expecting or more so hoping to smell that unmistakable smell of freshly baked treacle buns and coffee, but there was no smell, there was no low din of activity, there was nothing except a small hand written card with five words.

Go on alone - I'm sorry.

Five Minute Free Writes

When I first arrived on Hive or the previous chain, I would often struggle for ideas on what to write about, and there were two writing initiatives that really helped - one was called #fiftywords where you could use only fifty words to tell a story about a prompt word and the other was #freewrite which basically sets a challenge of writing a mini story within 5 minutes. I regularly took place in both and people like @mariannewest,, @brisby, @snook and loads of other brilliant people, so every now and then I see a post from @mariannewest and think to myself, go and do a freewtrite, so that is what I have just done now.

Maybe you've never heard of the freewrites yourself, and if that is the case, I'd encourage you to have a go, read about todays prompt and how to enter below and above all else mind yourself and have a great day - smile, rub a dog, help a stranger and just be a nice human.

The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone

Peace out.

Ablaze (3).jpg


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a million @ewkaw and @qurator, I really do appreciate it..