in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

Excerpts from the previous episode...

His breath now shortened with each second, he couldn't even formulate a single sentence... The situation now seems so dire as Evan is stuck between a rock and a hard place, the loud bangs from the door grew louder and were periodically interrupted by the incessant barking dogs in the background.

Evan paced around the room... hovering like tea leaves on hot water.

He dropped the phone in his hands with panic, his mom's voice at the other end of the call fades away as the phone banged against the old carpet on the motel floor.

"You've got nowhere to hide, vanny boy," Frank boasted again from outside the door, "Time to pay up..." He shouted banging again at the door with growing impatience.

Evan gulped down heavy saliva, he summoned up courage and walked towards the door, his hands twitching while opening the door, expecting the worst.

Frank barges in momentarily, his eyes red with rage as he pushed frank to the wall.

"You think you can run away from me, huh..." Frank shouted with his arms firmly pressed against Evan's chest.

"L-Listen, I'm not hiding from you, I came here looking for work... I'm going to pay you man..." Evan said with one breath that was forcefully exhaled to ease the increasing pressure on his chest.

Frank paused for a second before suddenly smiling like a sadistic clown, "You know what... let's go for a ride" He said while wrapping his arm behind his neck, pulling him outside to the car...

Evan sat still in the car as it drove on a seemingly endless journey, the silence in the atmosphere now growing thick you could cut it with a butter knife...

"Listen, Frank... I'm getting you your money, I got an acting gig that's why I was in the motel, The production paid for it, I'm not hiding from you.... I..."

"The time for stalling is over Mr. Hollywood," Frank interrupted "you gonna get me my money one way or the other, It's time to get your hands dirty."

Evan now fidgeting restlessly with his feet, He wondered what kind of trouble he got himself into, he wanted to ask Frank what exactly he meant but he didn't want to risk angering him, he already felt the outline of the gun in his hip when Frank roughed him up earlier

"You've got that fancy British accent huh, mate," Frank chuckled with a sinister tone "You would be perfect for this job"

Evan took a quick glance at Frank, their eyes meeting for a brief second, In that brief second Evan understood the look across Frank's face, It looked like a predator hunting a prey.

Frank quickly turned his gaze away towards the long winding road.

"Watch out! Watch out!" Evan screamed... he spotted a lonely deer standing on their path.

Frank swerved hard, The tires now screeching uncontrollably across the asphalt... Frank struggled to keep the car in balance before it flipped in the air as he struck a ditch.

The earlier screeching now turned silent, the only sound Evan heard was the ringing white noise in his ears, he looked over towards Frank but his eyes couldn't make out any image from his blurry vision.

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This is a free-write session organized by @mariannewest follow her to get the daily prompts.

 " "HIVE BANNER 2.gif""


Great story. Ooh, I wonder what happened. Is Frank alive!?

Thanks for your interest in this story... I must confess I'm not a huge fan of frank but we will see what happens to our antagonist lol.

Thanks again for passing by my blog :)

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