Listen to your heart

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

Love seems to be indifferent, not impartial to the self in question. Sometimes there are words that are too late, sometimes there are words that are too soon, sometimes there are words of sorry that are not taking sides, and sometimes there are words of knitting happiness. Of all the things that ultimately come from the hope of a word of love, not everything will go smoothly or as expected. But in the end, the true love created will eventually give the same thing as originally the love was present. It will not always be happy even though it has been happy at the beginning, or vice versa.

Believe that sincere love, which is truly from the heart will always give more happiness than pain. It doesn't just depend on the word true love, holy love, or love that comes from various kinds of love. But believing what the heart says will be better because the heart will always honestly say what it feels like. Listen to your heart, even though you don't know what will happen next. It is natural for everyone to want to be happy, but it is not easy and will always be happy in reality.


Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Love will always come and go, like everything that happens in this world. Nothing is eternal. But the love in the heart, I believe, will always be stored in the heart forever. The heart will be more than a memory. The heart is the best place that humans have, as a container for the existence of thousands of feelings that honestly exist. For the heart never lies like the mind, nor does the mouth speak.

Believing in the existence of what is always said by the heart, makes a person a better self in life. More ready to face life, tough, strong, patient, confident, sensitive, always introspective. Talking about the existence of the heart is indeed closer to affection and the word love. Because that's where the words of human honesty are stored for every feeling that is created. And with the existence of the heart, love will always be present in every human being, regardless of caste, ethnicity, language, country, or other things.

If you fall in love say it. If you lose, say so. If you want to feel love say now. And if you hate to love, say why?