Love letter

in Freewriterslast year

The post office and Mr. Post, are two existences that have disappeared day by day. In his era, the legendary Mr. Post would always look forward to his presence, especially for young people who were in love.

Image by Monika Robak from Pixabay

Write love letters, for people you like or people who have become a part to fill an empty heart. The struggle was quite hard from the choice of words, and paper to the beauty or tidiness of the writing when writing. After it's finished, you still need envelopes and also stamps and then they are delivered or entrusted to the postman to be delivered immediately to your loved ones.

It takes several days depending on the distance of the person being addressed, the farther the longer the waiting time and getting a reply from the letter that has been sent.

The new era changed the presence of technology to replace things that are said to be impractical. Electronic mail is faster, more efficient, and clearly more digitized.

Eliminate the time and memories of the beautiful existence of the time when replying to each other's letters between the beloved. Email sent, email was received. In a short time, although it is true that it is better and greater, unfortunately, it cannot replace the feeling and meaning that was present at the time of correspondence in the era of the postman bringing news.

Gone is the love story of a sweet love letter like long ago. It's not there anymore and it won't be the same.
