It Is Time For #ZapFic! The Fun #MicroFiction #Writing Contest! Results of week 117 and new prompt for week 118!

in Freewriters4 years ago

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Greetings, my participation for the creative challenge that offers us. A challenge that constitutes building a story with 240 characters.

Merit Theme

Two brothers trained to represent a people, do not yet understand that knowledge is not inherited, they are working for it. Counselors use phrases and parables to reach the threshold of intellectual power and become worthy rulers.

Tema Mérito

Dos hermanos formados para representar a un pueblo, aún no compren que no se hereda el saber, se trabaja para ello. Consejeros usan frases y parábolas para alcanzar el umbral del poder intelectual y se conviertan en dignos gobernantes.

Until next time, friends

Be sure to participate in the #ZapFic contest, visit the following link