It's ZapFic Time! The Fun Microfiction Writing Contest! Are you in the @ZapFic.Club? Results of Week 118 and New Prompt for Week 119!

in Freewriters4 years ago

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Greetings, my entry for the challenge offered by A creative challenge based on the construction of a story with 240 characters.

Module Theme
A change in social life is projected, under the premise of living together, working, buying and caring for men's health on a residential module design. The modular mobile dome is designed to protect your guests from viral infections.

Se proyecta un cambio de vida social, bajo la premisa de convivir, trabajar, comprar y cuidar la salud del hombre sobre un diseño módulo residencial. La cúpula modular móvil está destinada a proteger a sus huéspedes de contagios virales.

Until next time, friends

Be sure to participate in the #ZapFic contest, visit the following link