A pic is worth a thousand words/Com-Forth

in Freewriterslast year

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I see three doors with a sign placard having the word 'hotel' on it.
I feel cold, seeing the iced picture and a bit relieved to find out a place of comfort in this cold land. Wish I could try the hotel out.

"I don't mean to be pessimistic Darwin but if we fail to find shelter from the cold before night fall, we will be lying in the this open morgue by sunrise. This place is so cold the blood seems to be frozen in your veins!" Karov said. His word where coming out in vibrating piece as he managed to speak through chattering teeth that were sounding like castenet on a marble floor.
"I don't think there is any for miles around and if there is, the map does not show". Darwin replied. He was shivering like a chick drenched in the rain. "An beside, caves in this snowy and icy wilderness will be just as cold as a deep freezer running on full power". He added.
The had actually started out parachuting on a hot air balloon with the intention of viewing the vast icy floor that stretches for miles and miles away but the gas blower had malfunctioned and the balloon got ripped. Lucky for them at the time of the accident, they were just flying over the snow clad part of the icy plain and the snow had cushioned their landing but it seems they had escaped death from the fall only to meet it in a more horrible state in the middle of this frozen land.
" Come over here Karov. Am I hallucinating of is that a blue door am seeing over there?" Darwin asked pointing to the direction with a shaking finger.
"Except if both of us are hallucinating but I sure believe it is!" Karov replied.
They both staggered towards the scene and few metres away they found out it was a hotel, one of a few that had been rumored to exist in these seemingly deserted lands.
"The cold really froze our brains! How did we forget about such a thing that was publicized to the entire nation?" Karov asked.
"Well, they will soon be made warm now", Darwin said, managing to laugh with is cold and broken lips.


You did well by writing this short fiction story.

I really hope their brain isn't frozen and there's a fire burning.

Thank you for joining pic1000. 👍