A quite isolated place

in Freewriterslast year

Peter being an introvert found it difficult to associate when he went for vacation at his uncle place.
Peter easily get hurt at the nuisance cause by his junior cousins and their lousy attributes makes him lose many concentration throughout the vacation period.
The only time Peter got himself is when he isolate himself from them,
That's moving to the isolated mountain for a quite consecration.
A place he can only commune only with his self without any external distraction.
An isolated mountain.,
Where the mortal communicate with the spiritual realm.
Where the have full access to their immortality., Where the only speak to no one but their self.
You can see the sky interacting with the sea, having their mutual communication that's beyond humans psychology. The beauty of the sky acknowledging that of the sea and it's elements as well, what a beautiful place to be,
What a cool place to be? Nature being so creative. The air is calmed with the atmosphere and mostly friendly to be.
Peter found it to be the best conducive place to be alone.
Safe and calming.
A place like home for an introvert.
I love Peter pattern of lifestyle.


Peter is lucky to have found a place free from distraction, man innermost spirit needs peace of mind, I admire your story.


I totally understand Peter's plight, living the "just me" life, such a calm place fits him, just Peter and nature communicating together

Hope you ain't like Peter?

Noooope......a different personality entirely

It's not only a great place for an introvert but for people with ADHD and sensitive people plus children as well. Very recognizable. More and more people suffer from the never ending noise, the hectic, loud world everyone is forced to live in.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👍