The Woman of Secrets : Murder of the Unknown

in Freewriters4 years ago

#Maynia Day 3; Chapter 01
and chapter 02
is here. You can even read it after reading this.You could read that for the depth of the story.



It's my first time I'm on a murder scene. It took time for me to accept it as reality. The shots look like done with some kind of anger in mind. They shot him several times, There is no face there. It's a juice of flesh. Eyes, mouth and the nose now became one hole.

I stayed on the floor for some more minutes. It took time for my consciousness to come back. Now I'm aware of my surroundings.

"I have to run now"
That's the most important thing I needed to do now. The fall back made a little bit of pain in my back. So standing up took time.

I've never felt this much fear inside me. I ran down the stairs. It all felt like some kind of hell. There was no one under the stairs or in front of the bar. I ran to the road and from there walked as fast as I can. I looked back to check if somebody following.

There was an old guy on the road who looked at me, Maybe my panic face wondered him. It's easy for a common man to grasp. I finally reached the station. I directed towards the small shop which was on the platform. I bought a bottle of water and emptied it in seconds. I was still panting.


I didn't even know what the time was. I searched for my phone in my right side pants pocket, It was not there.

"Oh my gosh...
I'm dead.."

I searched all my pockets and the bag. I'm sure that it was not in the bag. Finally, I convinced the truth myself. I have left it somewhere behind.

I've no problem with losing a phone, but if it's in there. I will gonna be in jail at any time now. I haven't wasted a second. I ran back. It felt like some kind of dream loop. You can't escape the loop.

What will happen if the police were there???

I didn't want that. I just need to confirm it was not there. I was not a believer of God, but at that time I wanted him to exist. I have no idea about what will I do if someone has near the body.

I really ran on that daylight. Now people are really starting at me. I don't care. If they find out my phone I will be a dead man walking. I tried to run as fast as I can. I finally reached there. There were two men in front of the Bar. They look like the ones who run the Bar. I need to pass them to reach the stairs.

There was no police vehicle near anywhere, that was good. I put the hoodie cap over my head, turned slightly in front of them and without giving a look at my face I managed to pass them. I reached under the stairs. I gave a look back to the road at those people. They haven't noticed me. I ran up on the stairs. The door was still open. I can't hear anyone inside. It's exactly as I left.

Fear was playing the drums inside me. The last thing I wanted today was to come back here again. Now finally I still ended up back here. I entered the hall. I was looking on the floor.

There was not much furniture. There were two tables and a dusty sofa. On top of one of the table, there is a TV. I kneeled and look from corner to corner. I laid on the ground and looked under the table on top of which TV was placed.

"It's there..."

That gave me pleasure for seconds. I got my breath back. I analysed it completely. It's mine.

At the next moment, I can hear some sounds on the rusty stairs. Someone is coming upwards. There is that sound. He was coming fast. The frequency of the sound was high. I didn't even take a second to think. I ran to the room which was just opposite to the one with the dead body.


It's the kitchen. It's totally rubbish. There were a lot of small bottles with curry powders. That smell was gonna cause sneeze. I controlled it someway. He reached the top now.

" Uncle
Are you there?"

It was a boy, He reached the top and now he is calling for his uncle. What's gonna happen when he sees his uncle like this?
I can't even think about the scenario. He was coming inside. I can count his steps. He is now in the hall. I peaked slightly, he is there. Three more steps he will see his uncle's dead body. I knew that if he sees it, he's gonna cry out loud. Then everyone's gonna come here. I will be trapped.

He took two more steps, now he is gonna move the curtain and see his uncle. When his hands just reached the curtain, I ran.
He saw me, there was a lot of noise when I ran fast on that floor.


He yelled at me. I ran down fast and jumped the last few steps. When I reached down. I looked back, he is now at the door.

"Hey... You!!!"

He yelled at me one more time and just after that he is walking backwards to find what happened to his uncle. I knew that before he sees the body I need to pass the bar. The next second he founds out the murder, these guys are gonna look at me.

I passed them without giving notice of my face. I tried to walk fast to avoid giving them doubt. Then the was a big loud cry. I looked back, It's the big who has seen his uncle. The guys in front of the bar are looking toward the stairs behind it.

Then they looked at me after that, They saw my face. They were trying to call me next. I ran as fast as I can. I haven't look back. I didn't know if they are following me or not. I passed the block after the continuous running of about a minute.

Then the was a turn to the right I needed to take. I slipped and fell down on the ground. My leg hurt badly. I tried to touch my leg there are some fluids now. I felt some kind of trance for a second.

I tried to stand up, I knew that I have to run now. There will be huge consequences if I stay here more. This little pain was nothing in front of that. The fear of getting caught for a murder helped me the courage to stand up. I failed at the first attempt.


Then there was a strong hand which took a hold of my hand. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt. I can see his muscles. Ther was a tattoo on it. It's a common anchor tattoo, that people normally have. But the was something written under it. I tried to read it, It said


I finally stood up. I looked at the man's face. I know it from somewhere. It's him, The other one with her that day on the train. The thug boyfriend of her was talking to this guy. I tried to stare at him for some seconds.

He didn't remember me, his face was like why I wasn't even saying thanks. I get rid of his hands and ran. I looked back after a few steps. He is at the chaos.

I can't see him now, he is gone for running his errands. Is he the killer?
I don't have time to think about it now, I have to run. Finally reached the station again. I was not even ready to take one more step. I was exhausted that much.

The station was crowded. I felt like some eyes on there are looking at me. Maybe it's just my thought. But I tried to cover my face with the hoodie. I waited for the next train.

It came. I looked at that train, It felt like some kind of flying ship to take away me from this hell. I entered the train and searched for a seat. There was many. I took one on my right side which was opposite to the platform.


I sat down and had a deep breath. I felt like I have run from the storms. I was relaxed, I can now feel the pain in my leg. But it doesn't matter. I took my phone from the pocket, it was dead. Battery drained out. I just passed my hand over the bag to confirm everything was there.

I looked at the watch of the guy who was sitting next to me. It's 8: 30 now. I looked outside through the window the morning was beautiful.


I've had a hell of a night. Then I realised that I've got an office where I have to be at this time. It didn't matter for me now.

After some of these pleasant thoughts, my mind again went back to the things I've left behind. There will be police by now. It's gonna be in the news.

A woman caused all this to me. Why did she leave like this?

The police are gonna question the boy and the other guys. They can easily identify me. For them, I am the killer.

What will happen then?
I've to give a stop to all these thoughts. Whatever is gonna happen is not in my hands.


I reached home. It felt like some kind of heaven. It was a boring shithole all this time, now it feels different. I put the laptop bag on the table and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I put my phone on the charger.

After drinking the water I put the bottle away and laid down on the sofa. There is silence now. It feels better.

I fell down from the sofa to the floor. I wasn't getting enough comfort on the sofa. I laid on the floor and looked at the roof. Last night looks like a dream now. All the running away felt like a loop.
There are a lot of problems that are starting haunt me from the next moment. But I'm feeling peace now.

Leaving all behind, I fell onto the best ever sleep I've had in my life.

(story cotinues)


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