After The Tunnel

in Freewriters4 years ago

Every day seems to be a sorrowful rain that comes and goes at times.
Everything is drab and depressing.
The soul is in a frenzy. She is torn in two, but she doesn't know where.
And the drips continue to fall in a monotonous pattern, following a plain and trivial rhythm.
Drop, drop, and drop.
Sky tears cascade down on fields, houses, and leaves.
There's a growing expectation that every day will be as gloomy, drab, and lonely as this one.
However, through the dreary and gloomy clouds, sliver sunlight peeks through.
Slowly, the gray cloud dissipates. She crawls and then flees. This conflict captivates, stimulates, and fascinates me.
The heaviness of the clouds lifts, releasing their sorrows and burdens. They transform into something light, airy, and beautiful. They take strange forms, allowing fantasy to take control of the mind and instill hope and optimism in the future.
Drops in singles, hanging and breaking down. They sparkle like the rarest and most precious diamonds in the sunlight. Sparkle and sparkle, making you want to smile.
The tears will soon cease to flow. And there will be no grief, worry, or pain to be found.
However, only the heart knows how many old scars and non-healing wounds are hidden from its prying eyes.
It smacks you in the chest, forcing you to keep going.


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This is @benie111
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