A picture is worth a thousand words. A true goddess.//Una imagen vale más que mil palabras. Una verdadera diosa.

in Freewriters5 months ago
This is my entry A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words por @freewritehouse.


Photo taken by @wakeupkitty

A true goddess

The fields were going through the worst drought, the rivers had lowered their water level, it was pitiful how animals and crops were dying before the eyes of the farmers, they did not find what to do, they were desperate, because that was bankruptcy, so many years of work were in danger of disappearing. Given the situation, the farmers were abandoning their land, their hands were tied, only a miracle would save the countryside.

That afternoon there was a sign of environmental change, after so long. The sky began to turn dark, lightning, thunder, birds flew across the sky as a sign of joy because at last it would rain to refresh the land, the rivers would increase their flow and finally the fields, punished by the drought, would flourish again.

The farmers attributed the miracle of the rain to a goddess who appeared in the middle of the crops, who came to restore fertility to the land, to multiply the crops and offspring. She was a goddess like in the movies, with a flashy costume, who seemed to float among the crops, giving the impression that she had magical powers in her hands.

For farmers, the goddess was the savior of crops, freshness, harvests, animals brought life back to the field.



Toda una diosa

Los campos estaban pasando por la peor sequía, los ríos habían bajado su nivel de agua, daba lastima como animales y cultivos morían ante los ojos de los agricultores, éstos no encontraban que hacer, estaban desesperados, porque eso era la quiebra, tantos años de trabajo estaban el peligro de desaparecer. Dada la situación, los agricultores estaban abandonando sus tierras, estaban de manos atadas solo un milagro salvaría el campo.

Esa tarde hubo una señal de cambio ambiental, después de tanto tiempo. El cielo comienza a tornarse oscuro, relámpagos, truenos, las aves atravesaban volando el cielo en señal de alegría porque al fin llovería para refrescar la tierra, los ríos aumentarían su caudal en fin volvería a florecer el campo castigado por la sequía.

Los agricultores atribuían el milagro de la lluvia a una diosa que apareció en medio de los cultivos, que venía a devolverle a la tierra la fertilidad, a multiplicar las cosechas y crías. Era una diosa como en las películas, con un traje llamativo, que parecía flotar entre los cultivos, daba la impresión de que tenía poderes mágicos en sus manos.

Para los agricultores, la diosa fue la salvadora de los cultivos, la frescura, las cosechas, animales volvieron a darle vida al campo.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Invito a participar a la amiga @numa26.
Aquí dejo el enlace:https://hive.blog/hive-161155/@freewritehouse/a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words-s9b1va




The farmers would have gone bankrupt and even hungry, without the rains to water their crops. Thank goodness for the God of Rain and Thunder who caused rain to swallow the drought.

Yet to see true goddess in Africa. Though this is an interesting one

The farmers are lucky to have the goddess of the rain appear at an opportuned time, saving them from drought and bankruptcy.

I looked it up for post.

Pernuniya is a goddess from Slavic mythology, considered the feminine form of Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. She is often referred to as the goddess of thunder, and is also known as the goddess of spring, fertility, and festivals.

I'd like to share some of my writer rewards this week.
I'm giving away 1 HSBI to you. 😀

Thank you for reading my post.
Also, thank you for sharing your post. 👍

Super you do that!

In Greek mythology, the Goddess of rain was called Danae and her companion, the God of lightning, was Zeus, “the all-powerful god of heaven and thunder”.

Hola @blanca56, Gracias por tu invitación. Trataré de escribir en esta oportunidad. Nos vemos en @freewritehouse, Saludos y cariños amiga bella.😍🤗

It's good Goddesses are still appreciated and not seen as witches.

Thank you for your entry. 👍
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