The Showdown | 3-Part Weekend Freewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

Max just got the news that Ada his sister has not been seen in the last 24 hours after she travelled to London which is the foreground of the Johnsons.
Who would have thought that taking the guns from the cellar would have resulted to Ada missing.
Right now, no one is sure what to think.

Doors slams...

Max, what is it I'm hearing? You took the guns from the cellar, now Ada is missing. How do you explain this?

Michael breaks the bottle of whiskey Max was drinking from throwing it into the fire place.

I know how protective you are where my sister is concerned, Max said.
Is that all you have to say? Didn't you know that I'd come feeling this way, Michael replied.

Phone rings...

You've got something that belongs to us and I'd like it back, you are certain that I don't make threats, Johnson said.

Call ends...

Who was on the line? Michael asked

Michael since you came in here, you've been ranting. How do you think I'm feeling?
The Johnsons had the guts to take Ada, let's just hope all things go equally.

Over in London, I'll text you when I leave, Johnson tells his PA as he tells him to take Ada to the Garrison where they hold the likes of her, The Willis.
Max would call to give up then I'd tell him where to meet. He actually thinks he's smarter than us, making us look like fools among The Bensons at the race house.
I must confess, max is a smart man but not as smart as I thought.

What do we do know? Michael asked Max.
For now, go home and take a shower, take a shot of whiskey then come back here.

Are you chasing me?

No one talked about chasing you, your Ada missing has really fucked with head pretty bad and I'm telling you it's under control.
James drive him home and make sure he takes a shower and put on fresh clothe, then have a drink with him then come back to the pub. Johnson wouldn't lay a finger on Ada.

It was already getting late when a beep came with a location and instructions about the guns.

Damn , we are meeting them in the middle of the woods? Clement said

It doesn't actually matter the location, boys load up the truck and come armed all five of you.

The woods is dark but the moon was full and this spot is really dark. It could be a trap.

Yeah, it could be and it isn't. These guns are of great importance to all parties involved.

Shadows lurk at a distance.

Where's Ada?
Where's the guns?

A full moon gave light towards the direction of two cars were parked and it was quite glaring that Ada was in one of them cars.
Max walked to the back of the truck signalling his boys to get the weapons and two others should sneak over to the other side where he pointed shylishly.
Putting on the silencer on their guns, they walked out as Johnson and Max were talking about the guns and Ada.

Johnson, I think you'd have to go back without these guns as they pulled out their guns at Johnson and his boys.

At first they wanted to retaliate until they heard footsteps behind them.
There she was Ada and a gun at the back of Johnson's head.

What a loss, what a Shame. Return to London or die here, the ball is in your court, Max said.
Till we meet again, Johnson replied.

I guess as allies then.


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