The Story | Thursday Prompt

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

I must confess, most times I don't have intention to say anything but it always dawn on me that it's better said than holding it up at heart. That's the only reason why I had to confess it all,
I'd just have to tell us a bit about it.
There used to be this girl I loved so much but never had the courage to say a word to her. Just a sight of her I could feel my heart on a race, a race to the finish line but guess what?
I never crossed the finish line, why?
I was scared to open my mouth what even got to me more was that I wasn't this scared of anything not to say a girl.

This is me right now unable to say I word,anyways I was able to approach her and even become friends with her but first she tagged me "a talk mate" as she claimed. For real, talk mate after the time I've spent with you, alright since I'm close to you that's enough.
Did I even become "a talk mate" with you just for the fun, oh no, I was silently damn into this girl.
When I decide opening my mouth to tell my feelings, my mouth doesn't open any longer and my heart goes on that race, so what do I do?
I simply keep quiet.

After years of crossing the talk mate line I had the courage to say "I love you," so lame. It's absolutely sounding funny to me but that's the truth, the cat was out of the bag and that was it.
Nothing changed and what I wanted, I never got so the you have it.
I've told a bit about it.


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