For The Super Bowl : A Sports FREEWRITE.

in Freewriters3 years ago

The crew weren't happy
Days of no pay on the pitch
Mood starts been gloomy
The days of reckoning is here
To a final match we played
A needed rest, we could take
Not for another league in a week
Vacation is now the order of the day.
Developing now, a standard field
Playeable space, athletes stake
Large enough for Olympics
Big enough for super bowl
To fans chanting a win
Clubs sweating it on the pitch
Convertible space, unique rings
Pure pool, beatification for gulf
More was coming
The investors assured.
The last one came through
Bearing many names
Field will be opened soon
Holding toys of games
The pitch won't be the same
Win for some, defeat to many
A Sports centre for all.
An entry into @mariannewest everyday freewrite.