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RE: 5 minute freewrite Monday prompt skater

in Freewriters2 years ago

Pigfish! It exists!
Years ago a toddler at our house looked askance at our dinner. What was this stuff? (It was pork.) He likes fish but not much else. "It's pigfish," my husband said. The kid ate it. He liked it. He liked it so much, he asked his dad to buy some, and his dad was desperately asking the butcher about pigfish... the mother finally phoned us for details... (no they had no religious ban on pork! That was a different neighbor boy who couldn't eat marshmallows as they contain pork. Who knew.)

Your dad....!

Dad was like that, if one of us got hurt, he did away with the thing that hurt us.

I cannot imagine hauling a swingset in a boat and dumping it - "For years, there it sat with all 4 legs sticking up from the water." What an image!!! What a protective father. He would make a great character in a fairy tale. I'm thinking of how all spinning wheels with needles were confiscated to protect Cinderella, and we know how effective that was.

Childhood is dangerous. Life is dangerous. How safe has your dad kept his children.... you don't have to tell me, but he certainly captivates me. :)


LOL to the pigfish, most kids do not like fish, I am a fisherman and one daughter refuses to this day to eat it.... We were raised at one of the most dangerous places for children, on an inlet with fierce tides. We swam in it every day. Plus within walking distance of the ocean. I can not count the number of rip-tides I have been caught in. And he thought skating and a swingset were dangerous.

And he thought skating and a swingset were dangerous. - Is the laugh emoji inappopriate here?
Rip-tides. My husband's co-worker, during a family vacation, got swept away in one. What a terrible time to die. What a terrible end to a vacation.
What a great childhood - on the beach, fishing, swimming. I love your photos and posts. You work harder than any woman I know, in harder conditions!

How terrible for your husband's co-worker to have it happen while on vacation, my heart hurts for his family.... I did have a great childhood and yes, I work damn hard and wonder if it will ever get any easier. But it keeps me strong.