5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: vampire

in Freewriters4 years ago

I was born in Romania, you might think I am the vampire.

But I am not. I allow others to be vampires on me. I am sure you do too, so let me type what I mean:

Lately I have been noticing how vampires of life force work - they hijack my mind space, pulling me in so many directions that I am unable to stand still, rooted and grounded in my space.

The good news is that I have realized that. I heard the term in a podcast I listened to recently describing how we might even invite the energy vampires to suck onto our life source ourselves. I do so by seeking approval (I know, such an over used term...) from a patriarchal, linear, business-like point of view about my attempts to find energy and life in the cyclical, matriarchal practices of living.

The bad news is, I don't know how to unlock the vampire from my veins. Some are so well attached I find it comforting to know they are there, at least I have an excuse, at least I know I am being sucked on by them.