The track must be swept in five minutes

in Freewriters β€’ 21 days ago

The track must be swept in five minutes

πŸ”ƒ Information on free use

The track has to be swept, the members of the community told me, after having witnessed an act of presentation of soccer talents of the children of the community where I live, this forced me to look for information about what is required when it comes to know how to clean the tracks and particularly the sports pavements.

And among the information that I read I found that one aspect that must be taken into account is the fact of knowing that a superficial cleaning must always be done after the sport has been performed, that is to say, sweeping with brushes with fine cells.

Additionally there are two fundamental elements regarding the maintenance of your track, the first as I said is the cleaning of the surface and the second is to maintain the cleaning of the track with assiduity since papers or other residues can accumulate.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

βœ… πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Writing is full of beautiful episodes, see you next time friends....πŸš₯πŸš₯πŸš₯