Crushed, a #ZapfFic100 story by Bruce

A 100 word #ZapfFic100 story written by Bruce, inspired by the random word prompt "Steel"


The rain falls in steel sheets of destruction. Joy stands on the porch watching it rip into the draught dry crops, crushing any hope she had. Holding on to the half empty bottle she fights back tears. There's no coming back from this. All the money, time, effort ... pummeled into nothing. The fields disappear under red brown water. For months she'd managed to keep her farm afloat despite the draught, the famine. And now... it's drowning. Last night she'd celebrated when the weatherman announced rain. She lifts the bottle to her lips. Tonight she'll mourn the death of her dreams.


Daily 100-words here, 50-word #humpbuckletales at