Activity Monday, 07/11/2022.

in Freewriters2 years ago


Greetings to all friends.
On this occasion, I will briefly share my life journey. The journey of life is traversed by various daily activities. I hope this article can be useful for all of us.

My activities start at around 05.30. WIB, at the fire department. After cleaning myself up and performing the Fajr prayer, I immediately continued the activity of helping the organizing committee for the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which was held today at the office.

Together with my colleagues, I went straight to the soup kitchen to help cook. In the kitchen we cook rice, meat and vegetables. Acehnese red cooked meat and pumpkin sauce are favorite menus when there are big events in Aceh, this morning we cooked the menu for this activity.

After carrying out activities in the kitchen, I immediately arranged the food with PKK women and the surrounding community. After the task was completed, I immediately cleaned myself up and took a break from activities.

Around 8:30 am. WIB, my colleagues and I immediately enjoyed breakfast in the office canteen. As well as enjoying coffee morning for today, small conversations also took place between us, including about preparing for today's activities.

Around 10:00. WIB, the event begins. My colleagues and I first followed the procession of the activity, the activity was opened by the implementing protocol. Furthermore, the event continued with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran, as well as activity reports by the chairman of the event organizing committee.

The activity to commemorate the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, this year was continued with a speech by Doli Mardian, SE, M.S.M, as the Head of the District of Juli, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. This activity was followed by a short lecture by Tgk. Saifuddin Muhammad, SH. MH, the event closed with a prayer together and giving donations to orphans.

The activity continued with a thanksgiving event, guests and invitees were welcome to enjoy various types of food and drinks that had been served by the committee. However, my colleagues and I headed straight to the back room to carry out the tasks that had been assigned to us.

The task we carried out was washing the food plates until they were finished, one by one the dishes that arrived we washed and then we wiped them dry so that they could be reused by the invitees who were present. For the dishwasher, the task is assigned to the firefighters who are off work today including myself, we carry out the work until it is finished.

After the activity was over, my colleagues and I resumed the activity by dismantling several tents. Starting from guest decorative tents, public kitchen tents, to cleaning tents. After dismantling the tent, we also continued with other tasks, namely collecting kitchen utensils that had been used.

Around 15.00. WIB, we rested for a while, but I immediately cleaned myself up and performed the Dzuhur prayer. After praying, my new colleagues and I enjoyed lunch together. Then we took a short break while waiting for the Asr prayer to arrive.

When the afternoon greets, the activity we do is arrange the guest benches that have been used, we also immediately clean the yard of the activity area. We clean various types of waste until they are finished, then we carry out other activities at this event one by one until finishing.

After the activity was over, my colleagues and I immediately rested. I immediately cleaned myself and waited for the Maghrib prayer to arrive. After the prayer, my colleagues and I immediately enjoyed dinner together.

Meanwhile, after the Isha prayer, what I do with my colleagues is relax in the office while resting. However, some of the colleagues who are on duty today are still on full alert to serve as a member of the fire brigade.

Around 22.00. WIB, I immediately returned home. When I got home, I immediately cleaned myself up and rested with my family. I have nothing to do at home other than resting with my beloved family.

Thus the journey of life that I went through on Monday, 07/11/2022, I hope this writing can provide benefits for all of us. Sorry if there are wrong words in this writing, thank you for friends who have taken a little time to read my writing.











