A Love Unseen!

This image was created by @wakeupkitty, the host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

A Princess
In the silent embrace of the laundry room
In the midst of pure white linens, she sits
Untouched by the intrusion of royalty, she dreams
Of sitting in the Clouds and watching the magic In the twinking Stars

Through the window is the future of a Love seen only in her mind's eye
A wedding preparation In the air
a Prince from a far away distance, galloping on a horse so white
And her Knight riding in shining armor
But she is a Princess, painting a Castle, in wild illusion

Dark silken hair adorned with a shining crown
Never seen the beads of the sea on so fair a Prince
So she wishes a miracle happens somehow
For the poor boy whose Castle only her heart can see
Has no penny to his name nor a roof over his head
A chasm she can't bridge and reality's shadow she's unwilling to face

She hears his tender love's whispers and conjures a vision
In a love so rare his voice calls out from the open fields
Apples thrown through the window, a signal of his presence
Can this love truly be with this Prince of her soul
Or would he better remain nothing but a love unseen

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

You can be a part of the contest here


A princess in love with a penniless, young man! Is there a future for them? Let's hope such a love will not wilt under societal constraints. A fine and well-written poem.

A future for them is almost impossible. Thank you very much for coming around.

Let's hope that poor boy isn't the one who scammed the other princess.

Thank you for sharing your entry. 👍

I hope so too ☺️