Stormy Skies!

Image generated by @wakeupkitty, the host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Worry lingers like an uninvited guest, especially with resources dwindling, and bills piling. There's uncertainty in the air and a Storm brewing in the Skies!

I see a man worried to death over what seems to be a problem, he finds it even difficult to eat the dinner placed before him. He simply had lost his appetite! His wife, with a pen and paper where she had journaled the accumulating bills, is serving him a reminder. They are both worried because making ends meet has become a very big challenge and paying all those bills was way beyond their budget.

Seems like it always rains
Dark clouds
Stormy Skies
Gray and gloomy

It sinks faster
Hard labour
And a life
Full of strife

At times
I wish to take a stride
Leaving behind
These plague of assorted bills

I get scared
And just sit back and think
How I'm weighed down
By these stormy skies

I feel dreary tonight
My view blurred
A heart downcast
I slowly whirl into icyness

I have just one wish
A place not far from heaven

Warmer days
Merrier nights
The stormy Skies' retreat
Spreading far its wings
Upon the rising Sun

A poem written by me, for @freewritehouse contest, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

You can participate here

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


The plague of bills, it's hard to imagine it's possible to live without. :(

A beautiful poem laying a finger on the painful spot many of us struggle daily with. The only plus is by losing one's appetite the soup lasts longer. :(

Hahaha... The funny thing is that I never loose my appetite... Thank you very much.

Interesting take on the image. Loved the poetry :)

A bit more comment would be nice!

Thank you very much.

Nice poetry. Tells of the sad life some go through

Yes, that's true! Thank you very much!

A poem with a lot of meaning

Stormy skies above,
Wishing for heaven's warmth,
Sun's wings unfold wide.

I hope this isn't AI at work?

Thank you very much.

A very good poem that reflects very well the daily life of many people. A hug @edith-4angelseu

Yes, it does reflect our reality! Thank you very much. Hugs ❤️

I see how you are growing in Hive; I hope that in a short time, while you give us your photos and your texts, it will also be a help to pay the bills. A hug my friend

This is quite emotional and a reality for some people.

Yes it is! Thank you very much.