ZapFic50Friday Week 26: "Dread"

in Freewriters2 years ago

Two B's and a C. The report card seemed bigger and heavier in her hands than it should have been. Maybe all death sentences felt that way. She sighed heavily and tried her best to fight the sense of dread gnawing at her.

"Hi mom, hi dad..." she began quietly.



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Peace ☮️.


Too much screen time again, it's always the cause. Get off your phone already says the parents between glances at their own phone lol

But if she gets really lucky their phones might distract them from her grades lol

That moment when you're thinking if you should use correction pen to change the grades or just face the wrath...

Or if this is a good day to run away and join the circus 🤔🤡

If only her legs won't fell her😅