Freewrite: trash.

in Freewriters4 years ago


It is a great generator of wealth but unfortunately in underdeveloped countries it is not conceived that way, the World Economic Forum, in 2018 determined that the recycling of plastics had generated between 80 and 120 million dollars. This is by valuing a single element that constitutes garbage. Let's think about how much recycling generates at least 70% of the garbage we discard. It is a stigmatized amount but behind it hides a range of possibilities of gains. That coupled with this contributes to sustainable development. Looking at garbage is looking at money, profit, if we see it from the perspective of use and recycling. A good start would be through school. But not only teaching how to recycle, but also teaching how to prepare the space for said recycling. I say this with full ownership because that is the great problem that my country presents, and that is that society is not educated for pre-recycling, which consists of classifying garbage according to its elements. This makes it easier for the company that is going to recycle to find already pre-classified garbage. Since otherwise, the debugging process will be very expensive. So recycling begins at home.

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